Friday, October 30, 2009

Whitewashing war crimes with stale lies

By Khalid Amayreh

".....In fact, Israel has been knowingly and deliberately making these “mistakes” since time immemorial, so much that we can, without a bit of exaggeration, speak of a consistent modus operandi.

Besides, when mistakes occur and are repeated numerous times, it means they are “the” outstanding “policy.” After all, Israel can’t consistently murder civilians as a matter of policy and then claim the atrocities were committed by “mistake.”

More to the point, when the number of victims is so high and disproportionate to any conceivable provocation, even intention becomes irrelevant.

Hence, the claim that the Nazi-like crimes committed by Israel against the helpless and unprotected Palestinian civilians were mere mistakes should be treated as nothing short of pornographic lies, a sort of fornication with language.

The supremacist Zionist activist, who thinks Jews are not capable of doing evil, quoted Yair Lapid, from Yediot Ahronot, who argued in a recent article that the international community had failed to understand that Israel is an “enlightened western democracy that struggles for its existence in the wild East.”

Well, this is another pornographic lie. In fact, the distance between the Judeo-Nazi entity and true enlightenment is so enormous that the two can be perceived as an odious oxymoron. This is so because Israel represents the ultimate antithesis of human civility, and vice versa.

A few years ago, a Jewish intellectual and member of British Parliament lamented the fact that “ Israel has made the Star of David Look like the Swastika of Hitler.” That was before the barbarian blitzkrieg against Gaza. I wonder how he would describe the evil state now....."

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