Thursday, November 19, 2009

Abbas Insists He Won’t Run for Second Term; “Mideast Deal Won't Happen with Me”


(Cartoon by Khalil Bendib)

"19/11/2009 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas this week countered Israeli and American claims that a Middle East peace deal could be reached before the end of his term.

In an interview with Egyptian television on Wednesday, Abbas denied that either side has been pleading with him persistently to remain in office against his declared plan not to run for presidency in the Palestinian Authority's next election.

"If [Israeli and U.S.] intentions are sincere, then I am still here and have been here for years. They could have reached a deal with me already," said Abbas. "If Israel is prepared to advance peace on the basis of prior agreements and in accordance with the outline laid out in the road map, then it can do so with any Palestinian leader that succeeds me."

Abbas said he had made clear during talks with U.S. President Barack Obama that he did not seem himself as likely to convince Israel to halt construction in West Bank settlements. "I told President Obama, if you can't halt [settlements] why could I?"

His decision to step down, viewed by many in the international community as a political tactic, was final, said Abbas. "There is nothing I can give to my people, so I should quit," he said. "My decision is clear: I will not run in any elections."[The catch is that there will be no elections and the Traitor will be "president" for life!]......"

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