Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Al-Jazeera Video: Inside Story - Egypt's next president - 2 November 09

"Egypt has been awash with rumour this week over who will be the country's next president. The current leader, 81 year old Hosni Mubarak, hasn't ruled out running for yet another term.
But if he doesn't stand, it's being increasingly suggested that his son will. Both men have been speaking at the annual convention of the ruling party, the NDP.
The meeting lays out party policy in the run up to next year's general elections. But all eyes are on investment banker and rising star Gamal Mubarak, amid speculation that he's being groomed to succeed his father.

Both father and son have denied the suggestions. But Mubarak junior heads the Policies Committee, one of the most powerful bodies in Egypt, and his public profile has been steadily growing.

So who will be Egypt's next president? And what does the row mean for the future of Egypt?"

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