Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Al-Jazeera Video: US House rejects Goldstone report - 3 Nov 09

"The US House of Representatives has passed a resolution that calls a UN-backed Gaza War crimes report "irredeemably biased."

Largely a symbolic gesture, the non-binding vote urges the Obama administration to oppose any endorsement of Justice Richard Goldstone's findings.

Goldstone's report accuses both Israel and Palestinian armed groups of committing violations of international humanitarian law during the war on Gaza.

It calls on Israel and Hamas, which rules the Gaza Strip, to carry out independent investigations into alleged abuses.

Brian Baird, a Democratic congressman, told Al Jazeera that the congressional resolution does
not correctly represent the Goldstone report, but Steve Rothman, a Democratic congressman from New Jersey, has said that the report does not give enough attention to violations committed by Palestinians."

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