Sunday, November 15, 2009

Breaking and Exciting News.....the "Reconciliation"...the "Reconciliation"...OOps....I Got That Wrong..."Reconciliation" is Dead!

Ynet: PLO Plans Gov't Reform to Phase out Hamas

An Important Piece


(Left: The Palestinian Pinochet prepares his next move: "president" for life.)

"14/11/2009 Israeli electronic site Ynet reported on Saturday that the Palestinian Authority is currently putting the finishing touches on carrying out a revolution within the Palestinian government institutions, in order to put an end to the paralyzing division, and be rid of the legislative obstacles placed by Hamas.

PA sources told Ynet that according to the plan in formation, the role of Legislative Council, which has served as the parliament since the establishment of the PA and is currently ruled by Hamas, will be usurped by the Palestinian Liberation Organization's Central Council, which will become the supreme Palestinian legislative body. Hamas is not a member of the PLO, and it will have no foothold in the council.

According to the plan, which is slated to be put in action in January, Mahmoud Abbas' main role will be PLO head, meaning the current president, who recently announced he does not plan to run for another term in office, will remain in the same position he currently fills.

However, Abbas will also serve as the PA's temporary acting president, since general elections called for January 24 are likely to be postponed. A final decision on the new political structure is slated to be made during a National Palestinian Council session on December 22.

In fact, the PLO's plan is meant to nullify the results of the Palestinian election in 2006 which was democratically won by Hamas, without dismantling the Palestinian Authority. This move, even if met by Hamas resistance, will pull the rug out from under Hamas members, who say that in the absence of a PA president, this position should be filled by the chairman of the Legislative Council – Hamas' Aziz Duwaik.

Such a step would mean that the parliament that was elected almost four years ago would be irrelevant, and a Hamas parliament speaker would have no legal status in Palestinian politics. This would leave the reins solely in the hands of the PLO, its chairman and its Central Council......"

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