Monday, November 23, 2009

The Democrats’ War Tax

They want to add it on top of the others

by Justin Raimondo, November 23, 2009

"Sen. Carl Levin has a solution to the problem of how to finance our losing, futile war in Afghanistan – a war we are fighting to support what has now been officially deemed the second most corrupt government on earth: he wants a war tax. An "additional income tax to the upper brackets, folks earning more than $200,000 or $250,000" a year is what the Michigan Democrat and powerful chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee proposes. His colleagues in the House have the same idea, only their tax is far less "progressive." .......

What – you’re against a tax hike? You’re no doubt a terrorist sympathizer, or, perhaps, even an agent of al-Qaeda.

I can hardly wait for the Democrats to employ this type of rhetoric, memorializing the neocon charge, made during the post-9/11 madness, that opponents of invading Afghanistan and Iraq constituted a "fifth column" – oh, wait, it’s already happened........

No, it doesn’t have to be paid for; it has to be ended. And the only way it will end is if a congressional majority refuses to fund it. Period. Full stop.

But of course these "antiwar" Democrats support the president’s plan to escalate the Afghan war. Worse, they are standing idly by as he expands the conflict into Pakistan. In the meantime, they are more than happy to use the war as a pretext for grabbing more of the fast-dwindling national income. Is there a word in English that describes a hypocrite who profits from – and, indeed, delights in – his own hypocrisy? Since there are certain words they don’t allow me to say here, cretins is the closest I can come...... "

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