Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Exciting News..Really. Hamas' Idiotic Dr. Zahar is Still Pursuing "Reconciliation" With the Traitor...

Zahhar in Cairo next Thursday to follow up reconciliation file

"KUWAIT, (PIC)-- Dr. Mahmoud Al-Zahhar, a member of Hamas political bureau, said Tuesday that he intends to go to Cairo next Thursday in order to follow up the inter-Palestinian reconciliation file, noting that this visit would be preceded by a stopover in Damascus aimed to coordinate positions with Hamas leadership.

During a political symposium organized by the society of teachers in Kuwait, Dr. Zahhar highlighted that the Palestinian reconciliation represents to Hamas a strategic choice and a factor of strength for the achievement of the national liberation project....."

COMMENT: One Incompetent + One Traitor DOES NOT Equal "National Liberation Project." No wonder the Palestinians are in such dismal condition.

You call this leadership? Who needs it!

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