Friday, November 13, 2009

“Hezbollah Knows Everything about the Israeli Army's Activities”


NOTE: I posted the Arabic equivalent of this article yesterday.

"12/11/2009 One day after Hezbollah General Secretary Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah warned Israel not to try to launch any aggression against Lebanon, promising it with humiliating defeat; Israeli media revealed Thursday that Hezbollah knows every single detail about the activities of the Israeli occupation army.

Israeli daily Yediot Aharonot said it has got a document confirming that Hezbollah knows every detail about the activities of the Israeli army and the command of the northern area and brigade 91 in the border area.

The Israeli paper says in its report issued Thursday morning, "The bulletin shows to what extent Hezbollah intelligence succeeded in penetrating into the Israeli army, and proves that Hezbollah has enough sources of information."

According to Yediot Aharonot, "the bulletin consists of 150 pages, and describes in detail the deployment of the Israeli army, and its land, naval and aerial activities."....."

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