Sunday, November 29, 2009

Iran defies United Nations with plans for 10 new nuclear plants

Ian Black, Middle East editor, Sunday 29 November 2009

"Iran today sent a defiant signal to the international community by announcing plans to build 10 uranium enrichment plants days after it was condemned by the UN for concealing activities that are feared may be designed to produce an atomic bomb.

Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's government said the plants would be the same size as the main enrichment complex at Natanz, central Iran, and work would begin within two months....

But the move is likely to galvanise efforts to put together a package of sanctions, perhaps persuading Russia and China to back moves supported by the US, Britain and France.....

Earlier today MPs announced the allocation of $20m for unnamed "progressive" groups to combat what it called US and British "conspiracies." Iran's parliament said the money would be disbursed by a committee including representatives of the ministries of intelligence, foreign affairs and the Revolutionary Guards."

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