Monday, November 30, 2009

Oh Those Demoralized British Invaders: Don't You Feel Sorry for Them? I Don't!

Troops fear defeat at home

British pessimism over Afghanistan is demoralising soldiers, say commanders

By Kim Sengupta in Helmand
The Independent

"Britain is at serious risk of losing its way in Afghanistan because rising defeatism at home is demoralising the troops on the front line, military commanders have warned.

High-ranking officers, including a former commander of the SAS, have expressed deep concern that the country is in danger of "talking ourselves into a defeat back home" as the war reaches a critical stage.

They say there is "surprise and disappointment" among members of the forces at the constant pessimism in the UK over the conflict, and what looks like a lack of appreciation for what they are achieving at great personal risk and in extremely difficult circumstances......"

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