Monday, November 23, 2009

Threat Rises From Within

Analysis by Jerrold Kessel and Pierre Klochendler

"JERUSALEM, Nov 23 (IPS) - Israelis were perturbed when new recruits at a recent passing-out parade at the Western Wall in Jerusalem, the remains of Judaism's holiest site, suddenly unfurled banners reading, 'Our Sons Do Not Evacuate Jews'.

The concern became more acute last week. After the demolition of two hilltop settler houses in the occupied West Bank, six religious soldiers from the same brigade deployed placards at their base, declaring their intent to refuse to remove any more settlements if ordered to do so.

The bulk of the Kfir brigade is composed of religious Jews from settler communities. Their national service combines military duties with religious studies.....

Many of the settler soldiers rely on ideological rabbinical precepts compiled by ultra-nationalist rabbis who oversee their studies while they are doing their national service.

Rabbi Eliezer Melamed of the Har Bracha ring of settlements near the major Palestinian town of Nablus is an important source of inspiration. He provides religious answers to the conscripts on how to be loyal to "nation, land, army."

"It is prohibited for any soldier or officer to participate in the strictly forbidden act of expelling Jews from their homes and to hand over any portion of the Land of Israel to enemies," he writes in one of his religious tracts. "Those doing so violate several commandments of the Torah.".......

Or, is he (Netanyahu) the leader who told settlers worried by the Obama demand for a settlement freeze, "Ultimately, we're all interested in the same thing, but one must act wisely."....."

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