Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Contributed by Molly
Act now to avert Congressional Resolution 0pposing the Goldstone Report

As you may have heard the U.S. Congress may vote as soon as tomorrow
on a bill opposing the Goldstone Report. We urge you to join in
efforts by B'Tselem, the Israeli human rights organization that
recently became a co-sponsor of Jewish Fast for Gaza, to avert this
action. Below you will find the letter from B'tselem that includes a
link to a letter from Judge Goldstone to the members of Congress
pointing out the many errors in the resolution. Please write or call
your member of congress today.

We urge clergy and others with relationships with congressional
representatives to make special efforts to explain directly to our
representatives why this resolution would allow both sides to commit
human rights violations with impunity. Both sides should be
encouraged to initiate credible and transparent investigations into
the serious allegations in the Report. Failing this, both sides
should be held accountable for egregious human rights violations
during the conflict in Gaza. Such accountability is critical for all
who believe in human rights and is essential to any peaceful
resolution of the conflict.

Please act today.

Thanks so much for your commitment,

Rabbi Brian Walt and Rabbi Brant Rosen

Letter from B'Tselem with links to take action

Last week, we at B'Tselem told you about a resolution in the House of
Representatives that criticized the Goldstone Report quite harshly,
while omitting any reference to the Obama Administration's repeated
calls for a credible Israeli investigation into Operation Cast Lead.
If you have not already done so, please click here to send an e-mail
to your Representative urging him or her to vote "No" on this

Israeli human rights groups have sent a letter to Congress explaining
why this resolution is counter-productive and harmful to our efforts
to ensure accountability in Israel for Israeli actions. You can read
the letter by clicking here (it requires the Acrobat reader; if you
don't have it, you can download it here for free).

Also, Judge Goldstone has personally responded to the Resolution. In a
letter to Congress (which you can see yourself by clicking here, again
requiring the Acrobat reader), Goldstone points out the many factual
inaccuracies in the Resolution.

The Resolution is expected to get to the floor of Congress tomorrow,
and will be voted on then, or soon thereafter. Please take action

Mitchell Plitnick
Director of US Office
B'Tselem: The Israeli Information Center for Human Rights in the
Occupied Territories

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