Sunday, November 15, 2009

Yemen conflict widens, causing growing concerns

Press TV

"Humanitarian agencies voice deep concern over a worsening crisis in Saudi Arabia's southwest and in northern Yemen where Riyadh has been bombing villages.

The United Nations Children's Fund, UNICEF expressed worries at the escalation of the conflict in northern Yemen, where the UN says 175,000 people have been displaced.

The UNICEF also said some 240 villages on the Saudi Arabian side of the border have been evacuated and the civilian residents have been forced to settle in refugee camps.

"Fighting has now spilled into Saudi Arabia, reportedly causing 240 villages to be evacuated and more than 50 schools to be closed," Sigrid Kaag, UNICEF's regional director for the Middle East and North Africa, said in a statement.

The UNICEF says deaths have been recorded among the displaced children inside the camps......"

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