Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Action Call for anniversary of Israel's massacres in Gaza

The Free Gaza Movement

"December 27th-January 18th 2009-2010 marks the one-year anniversary of Israel's brutal 'Operation Cast Lead' against the people of besieged Gaza.

The 22-day attack left more than 1,400 dead, the vast majority of them civilians, including nearly 400 children, over 5000 injured, displaced 50,000 and made 20,000 homeless (until today). [1]......

To mark the anniversary of an attack which intensified and escalatied an existent policy of ethnic cleansing, deliberate destruction and a re-infliction of a new Nakba on the Palestinian people, Free Gaza is asking groups around the world to show Spanish Film-Maker Alberto Arce and Mohammad Rujailah's 'To Shoot an Elephant' (2009) - an award-winning documentary shot during the attack, detailing war crimes and the impact on ordinary people, journalists and paramedics.

We also re-iterate the call from Palestinian Civil Society, issued in 2005, for a comprehensive Boycott, Sanctions and Divestment campaign (BDS) against Israel as the primary means to promote human rights and an enforcement of international law.

We also ask activists to take direct action in solidarity with Palestinians throughout the Middle East, in refugee camps outside of Palestine, struggling against apartheid inside '48, as well as those resisting the ethnic cleansing of Jerusalem and steady bantustanisation of the West Bank......."

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