Monday, December 28, 2009

Al-Jazeera Video: Locked in: Life in Gaza - 25 Dec 09

Part 1:

Part 2:

"Munzer al-Dayyeh is a mechanic living in Gaza. In a land of ruin and disrepair, Munzer is kept busy fixing generators and repairing motorbikes. In June 2007, Israel placed Gaza under siege and imposed an unprecedented blockade on nearly all movement and supplies in and out of the Gaza Strip. Munzer is a traditional man from a conservative society where inter-marriage is common. In Munzer's case, inter-breeding has brought hereditary problems most of his children are either visually impaired or physically handicapped. But, Munzer can not find any way to get his children out of Gaza to get medical treatment. This film offers an insight into an everyday man struggling to make a living and to find a solution for his family in the unique difficulties of the Gaza Strip."

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