Monday, December 28, 2009

Audio: Gaza, One Year Later

by Chomsky, Noam

"A report back and critical look at Gaza, one year after the invasion. Noam Chomsky is a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology and is a world renown linguists, philosopher, cognitive scientist and political activist. Here, Chomsky speaks about the strategic isolation of Gaza from the rest of the Palestinian territories, the continued US/Israeli crimes, the corrupt Israeli prison system, the Israeli decision to choose expansion over security and many other US backed Israeli atrocities committed with complete impunity and in violation of international law. This event was sponsored by Newton Dialogue on Peace and War, Boston Coalition for Palestinian Rights, CodePink, Greater Boston, Jewish Women for Justice in Israel/Palestine, and others. Prasannan Parthasarthi was moderator.

This program was produced on December 8, 2009."

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