Saturday, December 19, 2009

Break-Their-Legs-Abul-Gheit Justifies Gaza Border Barrier: It's Our Right!


"19/12/2009 Egyptian Foreign Minister Ahmed Abul Gheit implicitly confirmed on Saturday that his country was building an underground barrier with the Gaza Strip, claiming it was Cairo's right to protect itself.

"Be it a wall or detection hardware, the important thing is that Egypt's territory must be protected; it must not be violated in any way[Israeli fighter jets which routinely cross into Egypt to bomb the Egyptian side at Rafah are always welcome, of course!]," Abul Gheit told the government weekly Al-Ahram Al-Arabi.

The weekly was questioning him about "reports concerning the construction by Egypt of a steel barrier along the border with Gaza and the deployment in the border area of American equipment to detect tunnels" used by smugglers moving goods into the Palestinian enclave.

It was the closest confirmation so far that Egypt is building the barrier to stem smuggling into Gaza through underground tunnels, since a report Thursday in the government paper Al-Gomhuria......"

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