Thursday, December 10, 2009

Chomsky says Israel, 'US military base'

Press TV

"Renowned American sociopolitical analyst Noam Chomsky says Israel functions as Washington's main weapons storage base in the Middle East.

"Israel is essentially a US military base, the US positions weapons there, that's a very close military and intelligence tie," the Jewish academic told Press TV on Wednesday while explaining the complexity of relations between Washington and Tel Aviv.

Commenting on the weapons that Israel received from the US before launching its 2007-2008 offensive in the Gaza Strip, Chomsky said that the exchange of weapons between the two sides was not surprising.

"[Israel] is receiving weapons constantly. In fact, weapons were sent during the invasion of Gaza. They tried to send them, they were supposed to send them from Greece, and Greece refused to ship them," he said.

"When pentagon was asked about this, they responded (I think correctly) that the weapons were not being sent for the Gaza invasion which was underway with the US weapons of course; rather, the US was positioning weapons in Israel," he added.

The professor, who was taking part in an interview with Press TV after delivering a speech at Boston University, said that although Israel had influence over the US foreign policy, it still had to act within the boundaries of what Washington allowed........"

Also, see this interview with Chomsky:

"In an exclusive interview with press TV Professor Noam Chomsky discusses Turkey's Foreign Policy toward Israel, Afghanistan and Iran.

Press TV: It seems that Turkey is alarmed by the danger Israel poses, how serious of a threat is Israel for Turkey?

Chomsky: Turkey is moving in interesting directions, it is moving in good directions in my opinion, it is moving towards establishing closer relations with states in the region and separating itself somewhat from its very close alliance with the United States and of course with Israel, it has had a close alliance - a military alliance - with Israel for fifty years, that began earlier, Turkey refused US demands that it participate in the invasion of Iraq which caused quite an uproar in here (US) and it has continued to move in those directions. Iran-Turkey relations make a pretty good sense just even from commercial point of view. Turkey needs energy and Iran needs manufacturing goods, perfectly natural relationship......"

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