Friday, December 11, 2009

An honourable exit

Is there any way for the Palestinian Authority to escape its current predicament? Yes, but only if long bankrupt strategies are jettisoned once and for all

A Great Piece

By Azmi Bishara
Al-Ahram Weekly

NOTE: I posted the Arabic version of this piece here.

"The consequences of Netanyahu's election have gradually hit home, as has the nature of US-Israeli relations for the thousandth time, even in the Obama era. Palestinian political forces have been thrown in a spin, treading circles and wringing their hands. A succession of grave and important statements and stances reflects their deep consternation.....

Israel, naturally, will not look kindly on the foregoing recommendations. They were not made with Israel in mind but for Arab parties who operate in accordance with the negotiating attitude. This is not the opinion of this author, who believes that the Arab peace initiative should be withdrawn. But that said, at least there is a certain consistency to the recommendations and they offer an honourable way out. Then, when the Arab initiative fails -- and I have no doubt that it will -- Arab governments can call on Jordan and Egypt to abolish their separate peace agreements with Israel. Only then can the Arabs consider alternative options, options related to confrontation and the logic of resistance. This will turn the Palestinian/Arab dilemma into an Israeli/American one. It will also offer a solution to the revival of Arab solidarity. Even if there is reluctance to forego the logic of negotiations, at least the Arabs should consider airing this solution in a convincing way so as to make Israel and the US truly worried. Whatever the case, there is no honourable way out without abandoning the Oslo process. "

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