Saturday, December 5, 2009

Iran slams Saudi offensive into Yemen

Press TV

"A senior Iranian official has admonished the Saudi government for entering the Yemen conflict by launching an offensive in northern parts of the country.

Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani called into question the Saudi motive behind its offensive into northern Yemen, which he said had exacerbated the already worsening situation in Yemen.

“An unfair conflict has arisen in Yemen but I wonder how [our] Saudi brothers who are Muslim do such a thing. They are in fact … killing Muslims," Larijani said, citing negotiation as the only means to defuse the crisis in Yemen.

He advised the Riyadh government against “inciting division” among Muslims." If Saudis have rockets, why don't they use them against Israel but instead drop them on poor innocent people …The Saudi government is Islamic and should not excite division among Muslims."

Larijani reiterated that the Saudi involvement in Yemen fighting was a “seditious act instigated by the enemies of Islam."

He said Saudi Arabia had financially supported Saddam Hussein's attack against Iran in the 1980s for the simple reason that Iraqis were Arabs but now refuses to intervene in issues related to other Arab nations.

We told them (Saudis) not to collaborate with Saddam's dictatorial regime but they retorted that Iraqis were Arabs. Why is it now that you don't intervene to help in Lebanon and Palestine considering that they are mostly Sunni [Arabs]? Why don't you confront the Zionist regime?" he retorted......."

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