Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Israeli Spy Imprisoned By The U.S Demands Executing Palestinian Detainees

"Jonathan Pollard, an Israeli spy imprisoned by the United States harshly attacked talks on the release of hundreds of Palestinian detainees in exchange for the release of the prisoner of war, Gilad Shalit, and said that Israel should instead execute the detainees.

His statements came during a meeting with Moshe Feiglin and Shmuel Sackett from the Likud party of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, the Jerusalem Post reported.

The Jpost added that Pollard said that “he is boiling with anger over the news of the nearing release of Palestinian detainees”, and described the issue as "blasphemy".

Pollard further said that Netanyahu should execute the detainees instead of letting them go. He stated that Netanyahu should kill one detainee every day until Hamas releases Shalit.

Pollard was arrested and imprisoned by the United States 25 years ago after was convicted of spying for Israel.

He also rejected a rumor alleging he would be released the same time as Fateh leader Marwan Barghouthi. Feiglin said Pollard is ready to “sacrifice his life” and will not accept to be releasing if this means that “terrorists would be release in exchange for his release”.

Feiglin also said that Pollard is in poor health and feels that Israel betrayed him and left him in prison. “They threw me out of their embassy 25 years ago”, Pollard said, “Now they are making me vanish”. "

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