Thursday, December 24, 2009

Jesus in Islam

Muslims don't worship Jesus, but they do revere him and believe about him much that Christians do

Mehdi Hasan
(senior editor (politics) at the New Statesman and a former news and current affairs editor at Channel 4.), Thursday 24 December 2009

"...... "Not only do we believe in Jesus," I replied, pausing for maximum dramatic effect, "we also believe in the Virgin Birth." My friend's eyes widened with surprise, his mouth agape.

Christians, perhaps because they call themselves Christians and believe in Christianity, like to claim ownership of Christ. It thus comes as a huge surprise to many of them - my friend included - to discover that the world's second-largest faith, Islam, also stakes a claim to him.

Jesus, or Isa, as he is known in Arabic, is deemed by Islam to be a Muslim prophet rather than the Son of God, or God incarnate. He is referred to by name in as many as 25 different verses of the Quran and described as the "Word" and the "Spirit" of God. No other prophet in the Quran, not even Muhammad, is given this particular honour.......

Amid tensions between the Christian west and the Islamic east, I believe a common focus on Jesus could help close the growing divide between the world's two largest faiths. Others agree. "We don't have to fight over Jesus. He is special for Christians and Muslims," says Mogra. "He is bigger than life. We can share him.""

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