Friday, December 4, 2009

The Lies of the Pathetic Syrian Regime: Syria blames blast on tyre (tire in the US) blowout!

"Syria's interior minister has said an explosion which killed at least three people and injured many more was caused by a tyre blowout and not a terrorist attack

Said Mohammad Sammour told state-run Syrian TV on Thursday that a bus driver and two petrol station workers were killed in the "accidental" explosion in the Sayeda Zainab district in Damascus......"


Sure, exploding tires can cause many deaths (especially of pedestrians)!

And Israel's raid on a suspected nuclear facility in 2007 was just an attack on a falafel stand. The US attack over the eastern border, which killed dozens of Syrians, was only a signal of the thawing relations with Washington!

Keep at it Bouthaina Sha'ban; we believe every word of your propaganda.

Long live the Ba'th, corruption and incompetence.

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