Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Obama talks tough but kowtows to bankers

By Peter Morici
Online Journal Contributing Writer

"....The bankers, after causing the greatest economic calamity since the Great Depression, are rewarded with six times the growth accomplished so far in the much heralded “economic recovery.”

Meanwhile, 7 million families face foreclosure and 25 million Americans can’t find full time work.

White House economist Christina Romer says we are still suffering the fallout of the recession, but with those bonuses, it will be tough to find pain on Wall Street this holiday season.

In Britain, the Prime Minister is imposing a special one-time claw back tax that will take 50 percent of bankers’ bonuses.

In America, the bankers get a scolding from President Obama.

It is no accident that these same bankers are among the largest contributors to Democratic congressional and presidential campaigns.

Hey, the bankers know how to invest, and the president knows how to take care of his friends."

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