Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Obama's desperate surge

Obama and his allies clearly have no stomach for this fight, his Afghanistan operation is an exit strategy, and the Taliban will wait

Simon Jenkins, Wednesday 2 December 2009

"Barack Obama's announcement of an Afghan "surge" is his frantic bid to rescue what promises to be a stumbling re-election campaign that must start in 2011. It oozes with his desperation not to be in Afghanistan. The question is how best to disengage. As in Vietnam and as the Russians found, withdrawal tends to be possible here in Afghanistan only after the generals on the ground have been given a last chance to claim victory.

The chance is generous. With 30,000 more troops at a staggering cost of $1m per soldier per year, Obama's generals are charged with giving the Taliban a "knock-out" blow sufficient to send them reeling back into the mountains. This is supposed to allow the Kabul government to establish its sovereignty over its nation or, more plausibly, at least to give Nato a breathing space to escape....."

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