Sunday, December 13, 2009

Organization of Muslim Eunuchs Wants Global Intervention over Israelis Torching a Mosque in Palestine


"Organization of Islamic Countries (OIC) urged the international community to intervene in the wake of Israeli settlers’ torching of a West Bank mosque last Friday.

The (OIC), that comprises 57 Muslim states, condemned the recent Israeli aggression and issued an official statement saying that the "burning of Qurans and racist slogans" painted on the mosque's walls, characterizes the incident as a blatant attack on holy sites.

Israeli settlers also sprayed the mosque’s walls with slurs and words like 'we will burn you all' and 'price tag' – a settlers’ slogan for reprisal acts against settlement evacuation efforts.

The OIC said that the incident "confirmed the urgent need for the international community's intervention [what a pathetic and impotent plea; barf!], in order to prompt Israel to end its assaults."....."

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