Saturday, December 12, 2009

Plank by plank, Blair's case collapses

The most devastating evidence describes the former PM’s sheer servility towards Bush

Geoffrey Wheatcroft
The Independent

(Cartoon by Carlos Latuff)

".....While Tony Blair sees his reputation being trashed daily, he may dimly perceive that the interventionist doctrine he once espoused is utterly discredited. As he sits in Jerusalem on his futile mission, he can see, if he bothers to look, that the peace process is dead. When he visits JP Morgan's Wall Street office to collect his sinecure, or when – more bizarrely – he lectures on ethics at Yale, he might recall what Gerhard Schröder said about "the 'special relationship' so special that only the English know it exists", a truth Blair has dramatically personified.

A well-worn line says that all political careers end in failure. Has any ever ended in such failure as this?"

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