Friday, December 11, 2009

Real News Video: A "game changer" in the Middle East

Haddad: Israel's prisoner exchange with HAMAS will release much of the Palestinian political leadership.

More at The Real News

"Within days Israel is rumored to complete its long standing negotiations with HAMAS over a prisoner exchange. In return for Gilad Shalit, an Israeli soldier the al-Qassam Brigades kidnapped while the Israeli army invaded Gaza in 2006, Israel is said to agree to release 980 Palestinian political prisoners. Toufic Haddad, Palestinian-American journalist based in Jerusalem, speaks to Lia Tarachansky about the significance of this exchange. He says among the released, Israel may free Ahmad Sa'adat (Saadat) and Marwan Barghouti, popular leaders whose freedom will change the political game in the Palestinian leadership."

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