Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Report: Israeli academic institutions' role in the occupation

Report, The Alternative Information Center, 14 December 2009

"The idea of boycott, divestment and sanctions (BDS) as means of struggle against the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories has gathered pace in the years following the second intifada, and all the more so since the Israeli siege and attacks on the Gaza Strip. As academics and students tend to be among the most politically active and aware populations, it was only natural that one of the types of boycott at the forefront of the BDS campaign is the academic boycott. First publicly called for in 2002, academic boycott campaigns against Israeli academic institutions have become a controversial issue in various universities and academic communities around the world. While proponents of the boycott argued for it as an effective way struggle against the occupation, the legitimacy of an academic boycott has been disputed even by some in the left-wing ranks who believe it's effects are too severe.....

The publication gives a list of Israeli academic institutions with a description of the involvement of each in the Israeli occupation -- in the forms of discrimination against non-Jewish citizens and support for the Israeli military and its actions, as well as a comparison with the academic boycott on the South African Apartheid regime and a history and a discourse of the academic boycott to date. "

Download the full report (pdf).

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