Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Self-righteous agonising over Muslims

In criticising the Islamic world's false 'narrative', an American writer falls victim to another: that US foreign policy is altruistic
Brian Whitaker
guardian.co.uk, Monday 7 December 2009

"An interesting spat has broken out between New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman and Stephen Walt, Harvard professor of international affairs (and co-author of that controversial book, The Israel Lobby).
In a column prompted by the Fort Hood shootings, Friedman suggested that the man accused of the attacks, Major Nidal Malik Hasan, had been got at by what he called "The Narrative".....

There is nothing abnormal about pursuing self-interest but the US is in a unique position. As the only superpower it is capable of pursuing its interests more forcefully than anyone else – which raises questions both about the number of interventions (either unilaterally or with the US in the driving seat) and about the methods used.

Assuming a role as the world's policeman and advertising its ability to create "shock and awe" doesn't help either......"

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