Friday, December 11, 2009

The Traitor Who Sold Cement to Israel to Build the Apartheid Wall: Obama let us down

Press TV

"Former Palestinian Authority prime minister Ahmed Qurei says Palestinians made a mistake in thinking that President Barack Obama would change US policy significantly.

In an interview with Ramallah-based Palestine Broadcasting Corporation (PBC) on Wednesday night, Qurei noted that the Palestinian Authority together with the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) were mistaken in thinking that Obama would change US policy significantly.

“We had good intentions and we thought that there would be a change in US policy, but the US position on settlement shows that we misread the US position,” Qurei said.

Pressure was exerted on us [by the US] to return to the negotiations and we found out that negotiations was [the US'] goal, not ending the occupation.”[COMMENT: DUH!]......"