Saturday, December 5, 2009

Where is the Pharaoh, "Defending Egyptian Dignity," Now? How About All These Poor Egyptians Dying? Algeria Had Nothing to Do With This.....

Many missing in Egypt boat accident


"Dozens of people have been reported as missing after two passenger ferries collided in the north of Egypt's Nile river.

At least 40 passengers were believed to be on board, but there were contradictory reports over how many of them might have gone missing.

Security sources put the number of missing people at between 14 and 38.....

Rescuers were still searching for those thought to be missing after one of the ferries broke in half and the other overturned.......

Egypt has frequent transportation accidents, mainly because of poor infrastructure.

In February 2006, a ferry in the Red Sea caught fire and sank en route to Egypt from Saudi Arabia, killing 1,034 of the 1,400 people on board. An Egyptian appeals court in March this year found the owner of the ferry guilty of manslaughter and sentenced him to seven years in jail.

Transport Minister Mohamed Mansour resigned in October over a train crash south of Cairo which killed 18 people."

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