Saturday, December 26, 2009


"December 26th - Over 500 people from 20 countries, in 250 vehicles loaded with Humanitarian Aid, are left stranded in Aqaba, Jordan, having been refused permission to enter Egypt. The Egyptian Government have placed 3 conditions on the convoy if it wants to enter Egypt.

1. We hand all our vehicles and aid over to UNRA.
2. We drive 500 miles back to Syria, and take a 24 hour ferry through the Suez Canal.
3. We have to ask Israel for permission to cross from Egypt to Gaza.

All 3 conditions have been flatly rejected by everyone on the convoy, as we want to cross into Gaza and hand our aid over to the Palestinians ourselves. For the 1st time, Egypt has now openly admitted that they are under control of Israel/US.

Tomorrow marks the 1st anniversary of the start of the 22 day massacre of over 1,400 people. In solidarity, we are all going to embark on a fast. We will all fast for as long as it takes for us to get into Gaza with our aid. We are calling on people all over the world to fast with us, and with the Palestinians, who fast every day due to the illegal siege imposed upon them by Israel/US/Egypt.

Viva is calling on you to contact the Egyptian Embassy and demand that we be allowed to enter Gaza and deliver our aid with our own hands. The contact details for the Egyptian Embassy in USA are: 202.966.6342,

Please contact them, and express your outrage at their refusal to allow Humanitarian Aid into Gaza."

Below is my email to the Egyptian embassy:

"Dear Mr. Ambassador,

This is so sad and must be so humiliating to every Egyptian to submit to the open blackmail of the US and Israel. Have the proud Egyptians no pride left? Is everything for sale, even human dignity?

How else can you explain the refusal of your government the entry of a convoy of hundreds of vehicles and over 500 mostly European volunteers, who undertook this mission of mercy to bring in badly needed medicine, food and other essential supplies to the starved and besieged people of Gaza?

We are not asking you to supply anything to the Palestinians of Gaza; just stop killing them!

Your government talks about the sovereignty of Egypt and yet it has no dignity when it demands that the convoy obtain Israeli permission to enter Egypt on its way to Gaza. What does Israel have to do with this? What happened to the false Egyptian sovereignty? Does this not imply that the Sinai is still occupied Israeli territory?

Israeli tourists can go to resorts in the Sinai without a visa being required by Egypt, yet European humanitarian workers are not allowed to simply transit through the Sinai! What shame, what humiliation to the proud Egypt!

Either you allow the convoy in and convince the world that the Sinai is indeed Egyptian territory, or openly admit that it is still occupied and Egypt has no control or sovereignty over it.


Dr. Antone Sayegh

Gaza a year ago? NO ! Sa'da in Yemen NOW!!

بعض الصور لضحايا القصف الجوي الذي استهدف حيدان(محافظة صعدة) صباح اليوم 12-8-200.هذه الصور التقطت بعد القصف القصف مباشرة

Photos taken after the bombardment of Haidan(Sa'da district) on the 2009-8-12

السلطة الفلسطينية ترفض التهديدات الداعية للرد على إسرائيل وتطالب بعدم الانجرار لدوامة العنف

السلطة الفلسطينية ترفض التهديدات الداعية للرد على إسرائيل وتطالب بعدم الانجرار لدوامة العنف

"رام الله- رفضت السلطة الفلسطينية ضمنياً السبت التهديدات التي أطلقتها (كتائب الأقصى) الذراع المسلح لحركة فتح بالرد على قتل إسرائيل ستة فلسطينيين في الضفة الغربية وغزة في وقت سابق صباح السبت.
وقال رئيس حكومة تسيير الأعمال الفلسطينية سلام فياض في بيان، إن ثقتنا بشعبنا ووعيه ويقظته هي ثقة كبيرة وأكيدة بعدم الانجرار مرة أخرى إلى دوامة العنف والفوضى وتقويض حالة الاستقرار والأمن التي تحققت بفعل التفافه حول الجهود التي بذلتها السلطة الفلسطينية.

وأضاف: يدرك شعبنا أن هدفا أساسيا لإسرائيل من وراء هذه الأعمال والممارسات العدوانية هو التهرب من الاستحقاقات السياسية والأمنية المطلوبة منها.

واعتبر فياض قتل الجيش الإسرائيلي ستة فلسطينيين في نابلس وغزة يمثل تصعيدا خطيرا ولا يمكن النظر إليه، إلا في سياق استهداف حالة الأمن والاستقرار التي تمكنت السلطة الوطنية من تحقيقها.

ودعا فياض القوى الفاعلة في المجتمع الدولي إلى إلزام إسرائيل بوقف هذه الأعمال العدوانية والتوقف عن اجتياحاتها العسكرية للمدن والقرى والمخيمات والبلدات الفلسطينية والوقف الشامل والتام للأنشطة الاستيطانية، وخاصة في القدس ومحيطها.

وكانت الرئاسة الفلسطينية نددت السبت بقتل الجيش الإسرائيلي ستة فلسطينيين في مدينة نابلس، وعلى معبر بيت حانون (ايرز) شمال قطاع غزة، متهمة الحكومة الإسرائيلية بتهديد الاستقرار في الأراضي الفلسطينية.

وقال الناطق باسم الرئاسة نبيل أبو ردينة في بيان صحفي، إن التصعيد الإسرائيلي في كل من الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة والعودة إلى سياسة الاغتيالات والقتل العشوائي بحجج واهية يكشف أن حكومة الاحتلال قررت تدمير امن واستقرار الشعب الفلسطيني.

وأضاف: تهدف هذه الممارسات إلى جر شعبنا إلى دوامة العنف الدموية للخروج من دائرة الضغوط الدولية المتزايدة على حكومة الاحتلال وتحميلها مسئولية انسداد أفق عملية السلام بسبب تعنتها ورفضها وقف سياسة الاستيطان والالتزام بمرجعيات عملية السلام.
واعتبر أبو ردينة أن الجريمة الدموية التي ارتكبها جيش الاحتلال تأتي في سياق تخريب النجاحات التي حققتها السلطة الوطنية في الضفة الغربية ولتدمير الهدنة في قطاع غزة، من خلال العودة إلى مربع العنف والتصعيد الدموي ضد شعبنا تمهيدا لاستحضار ذريعة (لا يوجد شريك فلسطيني).

وطالب أبو ردينة المجتمع الدولي وبخاصة مجلس الأمن الدولي والجمعية العامة للأمم المتحدة، وكذلك اللجنة الرباعية الدولية التدخل فورا لوقف الجرائم الإسرائيلية، محملا إسرائيل وحدها نتائج سياسة التصعيد وما ينجم عنها من تداعيات خطيرة تهدد امن واستقرار المنطقة بأسرها.

وكان جيش الاحتلال الإسرائيلي اغتال ستة فلسطينيين في حادثين متفرقين ثلاثة منهم في عملية عسكرية استهدفت نشطاء من كتائب شهداء الأقصى، الجناح العسكري لحركة فتح، بمدينة نابلس شمال الضفة الغربية، والآخرين على معبر بيت حانون شمال قطاع غزة.

ونعت كتائب شهداء الأقصى عناصرها الشهداء في نابلس واعتبرت اغتيالهم جريمة جبانة.

وهددت الكتائب على لسان (أبو محمود) القائد العام لمجموعات ياسر عرفات في الضفة الغربية في تصريح صحفي، بالرد على جريمة الاغتيال الإسرائيلي وقال إن نشطاء الكتائب لن يقفوا مكتوفي الأيدي ودماء المجاهدين تستباح في كل مكان.

كما نددت الفعاليات والفصائل الفلسطينية بحادثتي الاغتيال في نابلس وغزة. وحمّلت حركة المقاومة الاسلامية حماس إسرائيل والسلطة الفلسطينية المسؤولية المشتركة عن مقتل ناشطي حركة فتح الثلاثة في نابلس بالضفة الغربية.

وقال المتحدث باسم حماس سامي أبو زهري في تصريح نشره موقع الكتروني تابع للحركة الإسلامية، اغتيال قوات الاحتلال الصهيوني ثلاثةً من المقاومين في الضفة الغربية المحتلة هو جريمةٌ صهيونيةٌ وشكلٌ من أشكال الملاحقة الصهيونية لمجموعات المقاومة في الضفة، والتي تنفَّذ بالتنسيق والتعاون مع ميليشيا الرئيس الفلسطيني محمود عباس.

ووصف ما جرى بأنه جريمة حرب، لأنه تم اغتيال الشبان الثلاثة بعد اعتقالهم، مؤكدا أن هذه الجريمة تفضح دور ميليشيا عباس في الضفة الغربية، لأن هذه الأجهزة التي تتغوَّل على أبناء الشعب الفلسطيني وتعتقل المئات منهم تحت ذريعة الحفاظ على الأمن، تختفي عن الأنظار حين تتعرَّض المدن والمخيمات للاجتياحات الصهيونية.

ومن جهتها، اتهمت مصادر إسرائيلية نشطاء كتائب الأقصى الثلاثة بالمسئولية عن قتل مستوطن يهودي الخميس الماضي برصاص مسلحين فلسطينيين على طريق طولكرم - نابلس.

وشارك آلاف الفلسطينيين بتشييع كوادر (كتائب الأقصى) وسط مشاعر غاضبة. ولفت جثامين الناشطين الثلاثة بالأعلام الفلسطينية وحملت على أكتاف الشبان الذين رددوا هتافات غاضبة ضد إسرائيل، كما رددت بعض الهتافات ضد أداء السلطة الفلسطينية.

وشارك في المسيرة آلاف من الفلسطينيين بينهم كوادر من حركة فتح وكتائب الأقصى الأقصى، بينما شوهد غياب مسؤولين رفيعين من السلطة الفلسطينية.

ومن بين الهتافات التي رددها المشاركون بغضب (والتنسيق ليش ليش.. يوم سلطة ويوم جيش) في إشارة إلى التنسيق الأمني الذي تقول فصائل فلسطينية إنه يجري بين الأجهزة الأمنية الفلسطينية والإسرائيلية وللإشارة إلى عملية الاقتحام التي تنفذها القوات الإسرائيلية للمدن الفلسطينية.

كما رددوا (يا سلطة مالك مالك... جبناكي لتحمينا شمّتي العدا فينا)، فيما دعت هتافات ضد إسرائيل إلى الثأر والرد في كل مكان.

وعمت مظاهر الحداد مدينة نابلس، وأغلقت المحال التجارية أبوابها، فيما نظم المشيعون الغاضبون مهرجانا شارك فيه عشرات الآلاف وسط مدينة نابلس تعبيرا عن سخطهم للجريمة التي وقعت في المدينة.

Timeline of US-NATO Israel Middle East War 2000-2010

by Eric Walberg
Global Research, December 25, 2009

".....There is increasing worldwide disgust with Israeli atrocities against the Palestinians (70 per cent of Germans see Israeli policy as a "war of extermination" and 50 per cent equate its treatment of Palestinians with Nazi treatment of Jews), which has given impetus to a growing BDS (boycott-disinvest-sanctions) movement, and even official Western pressure to end the blockade of Gaza. Yet, because of powerful Israeli lobbies in all Western countries, Western governments have yet to show any real commitment to forcing Israel to negotiate seriously with the Palestinians, and there is little hope that the region will throw off its heavy legacy of conflict and tragedy in the next ten years."

Have Americans Traded Freedom For Security?

by Paul Craig Roberts, December 26, 2009

"Obama’s dwindling band of true believers has taken heart that their man has finally delivered on one of his many promises — the closing of the Guantánamo prison. But the prison is not being closed. It is being moved to Illinois, if the Republicans permit.

In truth, Obama has handed his supporters another defeat. Closing Guantánamo meant ceasing to hold people in violation of our legal principles of habeas corpus and due process and ceasing to torture them in violation of U.S. and international laws. All Obama would be doing would be moving 100 people, against whom the U.S. government is unable to bring a case, from the prison in Guantánamo to a prison in Thomson, Illinois......

With stunning insouciance, Americans have given up the rule of law that protected their liberty. The silence of law schools and bar associations indicates that the age of liberty has passed. In short, the American people support tyranny. And that’s where they are headed."

How Gaza became a rich canvas for Palestinian art

Art is flourishing in the carnage left behind by Israel's military onslaught last year.

By Donald Macintyre
The Independent

".....At first sight, it is an abstract against a vibrant blue background but, examined more closely, it is pregnant with traditional Palestinian motifs: the feathers seamstresses attach to a needle and thread instead of a knot; the bag containing Koranic verses once worn by women, the grain used in baking bread. The blue is the colour of the Mediterranean; the brown that of the desert land it laps against.

Ms El-Daya, 33, is one of a growing, younger generation of talented painters helping to bring Gaza – and indeed Palestinian – art to the well deserved attention of a wider public. If Gaza's economy has ground to a standstill, its modern art appears to be flourishing.....

She does admit, however, to wanting to record scenes that are vanishing, or threatening to, in Gaza's ever-changing landscape. "I want to tell the world that there was a harbour here." Similarly with her pastoral pictures of the now bulldozed farmland of Beit Lahiya. "It's not there any more," she says. "People are trying to get it back now but it won't be what it used to be."

Ms El-Daya has much in common with her fellow painter Shareef Sarhan. The work of both has been shown and sold as far afield as Britain and the US. But while the paintings can travel – often thanks to diplomats – their creators, because of the closure, could not even get to this month's show in Jerusalem. Both have difficulty in bringing in good quality paints from Israel and the West Bank. And both have jobs to help support their families – Ms El-Daya teaches children to draw in a programme run by the Palestinian Red Crescent and Mr Sarhan, also 33, is a photographer for the United Nations Relief and Works Agency......

The problem he has is finding the time to paint as much as he wants. Not only does he need to earn his living but he is also, as a founder member of the "Windows from Gaza for Contemporary Art" group, a tireless champion of younger artists, helping to arrange two to three exhibitions a month. There were "difficulties" at first in attracting a Gaza audience for shows including video and installation art as well as paintings. But now, he says, 150 to 200 will routinely attend an opening.

Mr Sarhan says Hamas officials have nether intervened against nor encouraged the contemporary art movement here......"

Sayyed Nasrallah: Despite Longtime Challenges, Hezbollah Is At Its Best

"26/12/2009 Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah congratulated at the beginning of his speech on Friday night the Muslims and Christians of the birth of Jesus Christ (peace be upon him), the doer of miracles, which restored to the people the true faith in their creator, pointing out that the Christ was holding a message of jihad and sacrifices.

Marking the ninth night at the Sayyed al-Shouhadaa' compound in Beirut's southern suburb, Sayyed Nasrallah said that the Jews were the ones who hindered the Jesus and accused him and conspired against him, noting that Jesus Christ peace be upon him was a blessing to the people, but that the problem was with the religious, political and financial elite formed by the Jews who found that his mission was a threat to them so they decided to confront him.


Shifting to the political part of his speech, his eminence spoke of the “companies’ owners” and the people who rule the world to serve self-interests, including the Bush and Cheney and others who have the major companies in the world. Sayyed Nasrallah said that they are concerned about their own projects and end-of-year profits turning a blind eye to the people’s benefits and if they lived in peace or not.

Hezbollah Secretary General warned of the natural disasters that threaten the earth inhabitants when the frozen continent melts which is considered a disaster that scientists have agreed on unanimously wondering what are the actions taken by the world leaders. “Copenhagen Summit was held to try to prevent the global warming. Industrialized countries who are causing this disaster should draw up procedures, but its leaders do not want this.”

His eminence described American leaders as monsters wearing the suit of diplomacy, saying US citizens are the first victims of such leaders and the poverty rate is very high in the suburbs of U.S. cities. “The US is governed by the most brutal and greedy individuals.” Sayyed Nasrallah pointed out that U.S. ambitions in the region are many and they did not come to help us, but to control our oil and others. He indicated that the cost of wars waged by George W. Bush during his reign amounted to $ 12 trillion which will be cut from the American taxpayer.

In a reference to the US invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in the aftermath of the 9/11 attacks Sayyed Nasrallah said that the American democracy has victimized the Iraqi and Afghan people on the pretext that it came to liberate them. Years after the US-led invasion of the two Muslim countries, daily violence is claiming the lives of the people.

Sayyed Nasrallah hailed the Arab people who support the oppressed people emotionally or through taking to the streets urging Arab nations not to accept the logic of failure and defeat and not to obey their leaders if they are mistaken. He also commented on the dire situation of the Palestinians especially in Gaza........"

FOCUS: 'The US military is exhausted'

By Sarah Lazare
(Sarah Lazare is an anti-militarist and GI resistance organiser with Dialogues Against Militarism and Courage to Resist. She is interested in connecting struggles for justice at home with global movements against war and empire.)


".....GI coffee houses have sprung up at several military bases around the country. In the tradition of the GI coffee houses of the Vietnam war era, these cafes provide a space where active duty troops can speak freely and access resources about military refusal, PTSD, and veteran and GI movements against the war.

"Here at Fort Lewis, we've lost 20 soldiers from the most recent round of deployments," said Seth Menzel, an Iraq combat veteran and founding organiser of Coffee Strong, a GI coffee house at the sprawling Washington army base.

"We've seen resistance to deployment, mainly based on the fact that soldiers have been deployed so many times they don't have the patience to do it again."

As the occupation of Afghanistan passes its eighth year, with no clear progress, goals that remain elusive, and a high civilian death count, this war is coming to resemble the Iraq war that has been roundly condemned by world and US public opinion.

The never-ending nature of this conflict belies the real project of establishing US dominance in the Middle East and control of the region's resources, at the expense of the Afghan civilians and US soldiers being placed in harm's way.

The voices of refusal coming from within the US military send a powerful message that soldiers will not be fodder for an unjust and unnecessary war. By withdrawing their labour from a war that depends on their consent, these soldiers have the power to help bring this war to an end, as did their predecessors in the GI resistance movement against the Vietnam war.

And the longer the war in Afghanistan drags on - the more lives that are lost and destroyed - the more resistance we will see coming from within the ranks."

Current Al-Jazeera (Arabic) Online Poll

This very timely poll asks:

Do you find that Egypt is justified in preventing passage of the Viva Palestina convoy?

With about 400 responding thus far (it is early), 91% said no.

(Keep in mind that the Pharaoh and his government do not care about polls or what Egyptians think. He is the Pharaoh after all! )

Friday, December 25, 2009

What Did You Learn In School Today? A report on the failing of the Israeli Educational system

Bernard Avishai
Israel's education system has four streams: state, state-religious, ultra-Orthodox and Arab. There are fewer primary school students in the state education stream now than there were a decade ago. In contrast, the state-religious primary schools have seen a 9 percent increase since 2000. The number of children in the Israeli-Arab stream grew by 35 percent, while the number of ultra-Orthodox children grew by 49 percent. All of this transpired in just one decade. About half of all primary school students in Israel already study in either the Israeli Arab or the ultra-Orthodox systems.

And what is Israel's next generation studying? Is it receiving the tools it needs to survive in a modern and competitive market?

If these children adopt their parents' work norms, then what can Israel look forward to in a number of years? Last year, 12.5 percent of men of prime working age (25 to 54) in OECD Western countries were non-employed, meaning they were either unemployed, or had dropped out of the labor force. The percentage of non-employed Israeli Arab men was almost twice that. Of the ultra-Orthodox men, more than 70 percent were non-employed. Among women, 74 percent of Arabs and 46 percent of ultra-Orthodox were non-employed, compared to only a third in the West.
….Since 1999, Israel has participated in five different international exams in mathematics, science and reading. In all but one of the exams, Israel’s children performed lower than their peers in every single Western country. In light of the fact that since the 1970s, Israel’s living standards have been steadily falling farther and farther behind the leading Western countries, these outcomes do not suggest a change in direction is in the offing….

اعتقل واستجوب عشرات الفلسطينيين; "أمن السلطة" يؤكد "للجانب الاسرائيلي" مواصلة البحث عن منفذي العملية..!

"نقلت تقارير اسرائيلية عن " مصدر أمني فلسطيني" تأكيده ان "السلطة تواصل بذل الجهود..ولكن حتى الان لم تتمكن من القاء القبض على منفذي عملية قتل المستوطن اليهودي".

وكان مستوطن لقي مصرعه، بعد ظهر الخميس، في عملية إطلاق نار وقعت في الضفة الغربية المحتلة، وباشرت قوات الاحتلال بعمليات تمشيط في المنطقة بحثا عن مطلقي النار.

وتقول التقارير إلاسرائيلية إن المصدر الأمني الفلسطيني " أكد للجانب الإسرائيلي أن " الجهود ستستمر بهدف العثور على الجناة وإلقاء القبض عليهم"..!

وأوضح المصدر الأمني الفلسطيني للجانب الإسرائيلي – تقول التقارير ذاتها- أنه تم استدعاء العشرات من الفلسطينيين لاستجوابهم وبشكل خاص من منطقة طولكرم، وتم إبقاء اثنين منهم رهن الاعتقال للاشتباه "بأنهما شاركا في الهجوم"..!

Al-Jazeera Video: From Bethlehem....With Love: Israeli policy leaves family stranded - 25 Dec 09

"For seven years, Saeed Darwish of Bethlehem has had to apply for an Israeli permit to be able to live in his own home in a part of the city that Israel says is under its jurisdiction.

But a month ago, Israeli authorities decided not to renew his permit, leaving the family's sole breadwinner stranded.

Now, Darwish must decide whether to stay in his home or go to work and risk being denied permission to return.

Al Jazeera's Nisreen El-Shamayleh reports from the occupied West Bank."

Palestinians on the Brink of Explosion

U.S.-Led World Community Fails


".....Israel is diverting attention away from the Palestinian imminent explosion and away from both its political siege of the Palestinian leadership in the West Bank and its military siege of the rival Palestinian leadership in Gaza by highlighting as a priority an Iranian nuclear threat, which has yet to be vindicated. All indications are that the Obama administration has subscribed to the Israeli agenda, dragging with it its European satellites. All other Middle East regional conflicts could wait, it seems, even the explosive Arab and Palestinian – Israeli conflict."

Video: Egypt Bars Viva Palestina Convoy From Entering It's Territory

Press TV

"The Viva Palestina Aid Convoy en-route to Gaza, has been prevented and blocked by Egypt from entering it's territory so as to provide aid and assistance to the people in the impoverished and battered Gaza Strip. Includes an interview with a convoy leader. Aired on 25th December 2009. "

Jimmy Carter's Yuletide Apology

A Grandson's Christmas Present?


"In an open letter released this month to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency (JTA), former U.S. President Jimmy Carter apologized to the Jewish community, saying, “We must recognize Israel’s achievements under difficult circumstances, even as we strive in a positive way to help Israel continue to improve its relations with its Arab populations, but we must not permit criticisms for improvement to stigmatize Israel … I offer an Al Het [a Yom Kippur prayer for forgiveness] for any words or deeds of mine that may have done so.”

Two questions arise after reading President Carter’s letter: Was it necessary? And why now?.....

On the heels of this piece came Carter’s Yuletide apology. So what prompted it?

Apparently, the political aspirations of his 34 year-old grandson, Jason Carter.

Issued just one week after Jason announced he would be running for the Georgia State Senate seat likely being vacated by David Adelman (an Obama nominee for ambassador to Singapore), the March special election would be held in a district with a “vocal Jewish population” according to the AP.

Denying the letter had anything to do with his campaign, Jason characterized it as a “great step toward reconciliation.”......

It seems you can take the man out of politics, but not politics out of the man.
Merry Christmas Jason Carter. "

Al-Jazeera Video: Soviet veteran recalls Afghan war - 24 Dec 09

"Thirty years ago the Soviet Union tried to impose its government in Afghanistan and failed.

One million Afghans died, and by the time Soviet forces withdrew in 1989, Moscow had lost nearly 14 and a half thousand soldiers.

A former Soviet conscript who served in Afghanistan from 1982 to 1984 talks of his experiences and memories in his own words. "

Real News Video: The Doha Debates - Iran's nuclear program

The Doha Debates hosted by Tim Sebastien takes on Iran's nuclear program and asks if it is peaceful

Video: Lecturing Iraqi police on how to be loyal to the Zombies

Courtesy of Imad Khadduri

جندي امريكي يمرغ انوف جنود العراق الشيعة بالتراب

"ضابط امريكي يمرغ انوف جنود العراق بالتراب ويسبهم ويشتمهم ويهددهم بالسنة "


Racist Zionist Colonist Killed In West Bank Shooting

"An Israeli settler was shot and killed on Thursday evening near the Jewish settlement of Einav, near the northern West Bank city of Tulkarem, Israeli sources reported. The army said that several rounds were fired at his vehicle while driving near the settlement.

The settler is a 45-year-old man; an Israeli medical source that he was shot in the head, and that several rounds hit the vehicle.

The shooting comes as Israeli settlers in the West Bank stepped-up their attacks against the Palestinians and their lands after the Israeli government agreed to a temporary freeze of settlement activities. The attacks included attacking farmers, burning farmlands, and burning a mosque in Yasuf village on Friday December 11th. The settlers also attacked Palestinian villagers harvesting their olives in several parts of the occupied West Bank.

They also continued their government-supported takeover of Palestinian homes in East Jerusalem......"

White House Says Won't Oppose I-Supported-The-War-Before-I-Opposed-The-War-Kerry's Visit to Iran


"25/12/2009 Senator John Kerry might become the first high-level US envoy to visit Tehran since the 1979 Islamic revolution, Wall Street Journal reported on Thursday.

According to the report, sources in the White House said they won't oppose Kerry's appointment, however the decision was yet to be made. "This sounds like the kind of travel a chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee would – and should – undertake," said a White House official, adding it would be at Sen. Kerry's own behest.

Even if Kerry agrees to the appointment, it is still not clear whether Iran will accept his visit. Iran has recently rejected two American attempts to engage in direct talks with Tehran......."

Gaza Freedom March: The Siege Has to End

By Bianca Zammit – Gaza
(Bianca Zammit is a member of the International Solidarity Movement in Gaza and of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) Movement)
Palestine Chronicle

".....The siege has to end. This is the message that will be carried during the Gaza Freedom March on the 31st December 2009. The Gaza Freedom March is comprised of people who have found the courage to say No where the international community has failed. In doing so they will be carrying on in the work initiated by Mahatma Gandhi in his plight for Indian independence and Nelson Mandela in his struggle against apartheid in South Africa. Their legacy is too powerful to be ignored, the siege too deadly to be allowed. The 31st December 2009 is an opportunity for all the people of the world to show their solidarity with the people of Gaza and to say NO at Israeli Embassies worldwide. The trend needs to be reversed. We cannot allow anymore pictures to go on the wall."

Targeting Lebanon's Al Manar at Congress

By Franklin Lamb - Beirut
Palestine Chronicle

""Regarding Al Manar it's personal for Israel. The reason is that Al Manar did to the Israeli government propaganda machine during and following the July 2006 war what Hezbollah fighters did to Israeli troops. Al Manar kicked butt. That station must be made to disappear. The plan is to stop the 15-20 million daily viewers of Al Manar from receiving its transmission as well as to intimidate all the other Middle East TV channels that are suspected of moving toward the growing “Culture of Resistance’ spreading in the Middle East from Lebanon." -- A Washington DC observer of how Israel controls the US Congress 12/9/09......

How HR 2286 Can Save America from ‘Terrorists and Inciters’

The ‘TV Terrorist” bill passed on a House roll call vote, while, as is the norm, an eager AIPAC staffer in the front row of the House Visitor’s Gallery with clip board and pen in hand, peered down on the Floor keeping tabs on how the Members voted. As is the Congressional practice with ‘Israel Bills’ or Psych-War Resolutions Israel wants passed, the vote on H.R. 2278 was held under a suspension of the rules to cut debate short and pass it quickly with the needed two-thirds majority. This fast track is normally used for relatively minor items like honoring “butterfly watchers day”, “national be kind to fat stray cats day” etc. The totals were 395 Ayes, 3 Nays, 36 Present/Not Voting- a slightly above average tally when AIPAC sends a legislative request ‘up the Hill.’

H.R. 2278 is what some employees in Congress call “a sleeper bill”. Legislation that is quickly and quietly passed, without much public notice, but which is very powerful in its effect. The language of the Bill, while far overbroad and many first Semester law students would no doubt hammer it on Constitutional Law grounds, and some lawyers think a case brought under this law would be nearly impossible to prosecute, this legislation, if it passes the Senate, will de jure establish that “It shall be the policy of the United States of America to designate as a Specially Designated Global Terrorists (SDGT) any satellite provider in the Middle East (including Algeria, Bahrain, Egypt, Iran, Iraq, Israel, the West Bank and Gaza Strip, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, and Yemen) that knowingly and willingly contracts with entities designated as Specially Designated Global Terrorists under Executive Order No. 13224, to broadcast their channels, or to consider implementing other punitive measures against satellite providers that transmit anti-American declarations (read criticize US support for Israeli crimes) or incite violence against Americans......."

The Pharaoh in the Service of Zion: Galloway raps Egypt for stopping Gaza aid convoy

Press TV

"British Lawmaker George Galloway has criticized Egypt over denying the Viva Palestina humanitarian aid convoy to enter the Gaza Strip.

The humanitarian convoy to the Gaza Strip has become stuck in Jordan as Egypt is reportedly denying the convoy's passage through its territory. "It's a strange Christmas for us. We are stuck in Aqaba. 500 people, 210 vehicles, hundreds of tons of aid which is desperately needed in Gaza," Galloway said in an interview with Press TV on Friday.

"Our Jordanian friends are doing their best to keep us warm and to feed us," he added.

The British anti-war activist also called it a very complex situation. "It's a very complex situation. We have on the Turkish level quite a diplomatic activity going on, because the Turkish prime minister personally appeared on live television in Damascus three days ago and asked the Egyptian government to facilitate this convoy; so this is a slap in the face, you can say, to the Turkish government," he further explained.

"We don't yet know exactly what tactics we will follow. That would depend on the diplomatic situation, but one thing we are not going to do is run away. We came all this way to Aqaba."

"We are very sad not yet angry, but we will get angry if the days go by," he noted......"

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Jesus in Islam

Muslims don't worship Jesus, but they do revere him and believe about him much that Christians do

Mehdi Hasan
(senior editor (politics) at the New Statesman and a former news and current affairs editor at Channel 4.), Thursday 24 December 2009

"...... "Not only do we believe in Jesus," I replied, pausing for maximum dramatic effect, "we also believe in the Virgin Birth." My friend's eyes widened with surprise, his mouth agape.

Christians, perhaps because they call themselves Christians and believe in Christianity, like to claim ownership of Christ. It thus comes as a huge surprise to many of them - my friend included - to discover that the world's second-largest faith, Islam, also stakes a claim to him.

Jesus, or Isa, as he is known in Arabic, is deemed by Islam to be a Muslim prophet rather than the Son of God, or God incarnate. He is referred to by name in as many as 25 different verses of the Quran and described as the "Word" and the "Spirit" of God. No other prophet in the Quran, not even Muhammad, is given this particular honour.......

Amid tensions between the Christian west and the Islamic east, I believe a common focus on Jesus could help close the growing divide between the world's two largest faiths. Others agree. "We don't have to fight over Jesus. He is special for Christians and Muslims," says Mogra. "He is bigger than life. We can share him.""

US campaign for academic boycott gaining strength

Press release, United States Campaign for an Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel, 24 December 2009

The following press release was issued by the United States Campaign for an Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel (USACBI) on 23 December 2009:

"27 December 2009 marks the one-year anniversary of the beginning of "Operation Cast Lead," Israel's 22-day assault on the captive population of Gaza, which killed 1,400 people, one third of them children, and injured more than 5,300. During this war on an impoverished, mostly refugee population, Israel targeted civilians....

.....While world leaders have tragically failed to come to Gaza's help, civilians everywhere are rallying to show their solidarity with the Palestinian people, with anniversary vigils taking place this week in New York, Washington DC, Seattle, Portland, San Francisco, Boston, Los Angeles, and many more cities and towns in the US and world-wide.

The United States Campaign for an Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel was formed in the immediate aftermath of Operation Cast Lead, bringing together educators of conscience who were unable to stand by and watch in silence Israel's indiscriminate assault on the Gaza Strip and its educational institutions. Today, over 500 US-based academics, authors, artists, musicians, poets and other arts professionals have endorsed our call......"

Al-Jazeera Video: Empire - What future for 'Greater Israel'? - 23 Dec 09

Part 1:

Part 2:

"The Middle East 'peace process' is seriously deadlocked. Israel is determined to press ahead with the expansion of settlements. Palestinians refuse to accept anything less than their total freeze, but they are divided on the best way forward - diplomacy or resistance. The diplomatic vacuum leads to more unilateral policies and radicalisation. So how can the international community help? Is a two-state solution still possible, or one state or no state? "

Al-Jazeera Video: Inside Story - The world has failed Gaza: Report - 23 Dec 2009

"Israeli policy and global inaction are directly responsible for poverty in the Gaza strip, according to a new report from sixteen humanitarian and human rights groups. The report urges the EU to suspend relations with israel unless they stop the blockade, that it claims has impaired reconstruction and sharply increased poverty. Inside story, with guests discusses the details."

Gaza Freedom March Planned for One-Year Anniversary of Israeli Assault; Includes Transcript.

Democracy Now!
With Amy Goodman

Don't Miss This Segment!

"This weekend marks that one-year anniversary of the start of Israel’s three-week assault on the Gaza Strip that killed some 1,400 Palestinians and thirteen Israelis. To mark the occasion, a group of over nearly 1,400 individuals from over forty countries around the world are aiming to break the siege of Gaza and participate in a nonviolent march inside Gaza alongside thousands of Palestinians. We speak with Hedy Epstein, an eighty-five-year-old Holocaust survivor who is taking part in the march, and Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK and part of the coordinating committee of the Gaza Freedom March.......

....One year later, little to no rebuilding has taken place and Israel’s illegal siege of Gaza continues. Since the end of its assault, Israel has only allowed 41 truckloads of construction materials into Gaza. A new report by leading humanitarian and human rights groups says thousands of truckloads are required to repair the thousands of buildings destroyed by Israel’s military assault on Gaza. The report accuses the international community of not doing enough to end Israel’s blockade and of betraying the nearly 1.5 million Palestinians living in the Gaza strip.

Next week a group of over nearly 1,400 individuals from over 40 countries around the world are aiming to break the siege of Gaza and participate in a non-violent march inside Gaza alongside thousands of Palestinians. It’s dubbed the Gaza Freedom March and we’re joined now by one of the many Americans on this march. Hedy Epstein is an 85-year old Holocaust survivor who was born in Germany. She’s also a committed anti-Zionist activist and has made five solidarity trips to the West Bank. Hedy Epstein joins us now from St. Louis, Missouri.

Earlier this week Egypt threatened to block the Gaza Freedom March from crossing into Gaza from Egypt. For the latest on this we’re joined on the line from Cairo by Medea Benjamin, the co-founder of Codepink, and part of the co-ordinating committee of the Gaza Freedom March.

Hedy Epstein, member of the Gaza Freedom March. She’s an eighty-five-year-old Holocaust survivor who was born in Germany. She’s also a committed anti-Zionist activist and has made five solidarity trips to the West Bank.

Medea Benjamin, co-founder of CODEPINK and part of the coordinating committee of the Gaza Freedom March"

Why Obama Defaulted to Bush on Iran

By Tony Karon

"......So how did he get here? In a nutshell, he allowed the Washington hawks, in concert with Israel and European hawks such as Sarkozy, to paint him into a corner by setting an artificial deadline on his diplomatic effort, and more importantly, basing them on the same demands as the Bush Administration which Iran had repeatedly rejected. Not only has Iran’s domestic turmoil limited its own regime’s room for maneuver, Iran’s opposition is as vehement as its conservatives in rejecting Washington’s demand that Iran give up uranium enrichment.

So Obama is going out on the road of further sanctions, now, but it’s generally agreed that sanctions aren’t going to change Iran’s position. At which point those who set the time-limits on diplomacy will demand that Obama go to war…."

Interview with Jamal Juma', Stop the Wall campaign leader arrested by Israel December 15

A Very Good Piece

By Ellen Cantarow

Writing in HaAretz Amira Hass observes, "The purpose of the coordinated oppression: To wear down the activists and deter others from joining the popular struggle, which has proven its efficacy in other countries at other times. What is dangerous about a popular struggle is that it is impossible to label it as terror and then use that as an excuse to strengthen the regime of privileges, as Israel has done for the past 20 years."

This past October I interviewed Jamal Juma' at Stop the Wall campaign's offices in Ramallah. Wiry, mild in demeanor, laid-back, Juma' struck me by his lack of any pretension or self-importance. His English is fluent; his experience evident. Israel cannot afford leaders like this, for they are not part of "the peace process," not coercible, not part of that creature of the US and Israel, the Palestinian Authority. Their threat to Israel is real democracy from the grassroots. Stop the Wall exemplifies this. Here is Juma's description of the campaign. (For actions to take to help him and stop suppression in the West Bank, see here.)

Leaders from the First Intifada

"Our work is based on popular committees... behind the Stop the Wall campaign is a group of people my age (46). We were the youth leading the first Intifadah [1987-1993, see here]. We were wanted, we were jailed, we were active in the streets, and we had this history strongly in our minds. When [Israel] started building the wall [2002] we began this campaign. . . Right after the massacres and the invasion they started building the wall immediately. [Juma' is referring to Israel's 2002 invasion of the West Bank, 'Defensive Shield,' and its massacres in the northern West Bank city, Jenin. See Rita Giacaman's report here.]"

From the first moment when we see the wall, the plans, and what they are doing on the ground, we understand immediately that this is not any new settlement, or confiscating of the land. This is a huge political project. The whole country was under siege, all the villages, and their life situation was very bad, this [was] the right time for them to start building the wall. We take on our hands and shoulders to start building a movement against the wall. [For a useful description on the singularity and purpose of the wall see Jeff Halper's article here.]

Popular Committees: grassroots democracy....."

Freegaza Newsletter December 2009

The Free Gaza Movement

"....Because of the very real threat posed by the Israeli navy, we decided we would not return to Gaza until we had a mini-flotilla capable of successfully challenging, under these more dangerous conditions, Israel’s draconian siege of the people of Gaza. Thanks to the generosity of the people of Malaysia and many others, we are well on target to getting 3-4 boats ready to go in the spring.

Appeal to all of you who are outraged by Israel’s flaunting of international law

However, resources are still very tight, and we are appealing all of you, our supporters, during this holiday season to donate once more to enable us to get the last boat ready for the journey. It does not matter if you can only afford a small amount of money. We have received donations for as little as $1.50, and we have been very grateful, because every little bit helps.

At Free Gaza, we are all volunteers, and no one gets a salary for the work we do. The majority of the money raised goes to buying, converting, paying for voyage expenses, and maintaining the boats.

The people of Gaza need our support, please help us in this Season of Good Will to buy the last boat, so we can travel again to Gaza in the spring.

Why I'm Going on the Gaza Freedom March

Hedy Epstein, U.S.

After President Obama's acceptance of the Nobel Peace Prize, a prize he does not deserve, it is a good time to think about what real peacemaking looks like. It is not beautiful speech making. It is more than 1,000 people from over 42 countries, caravanning hand in hand, on the Gaza Peace March into Gaza, to witness the devastation from last winter's Israeli attack. Once across the Rafah border - insh'Allah - we will be joined by 50,000 Palestinians, in a non- violent march to the Eretz/Israel border. On the Israeli side of the border Palestinians & Israelis will also call on the Israeli government to open the border.

I am going to Gaza because I know what it is like to be awakened at night by a knock on the door; to have your home ransacked; not to be able to attend school; to have your parents arrested; not to know if, or when they will return; to hear planes overhead, waiting for them to unload their deadly cargo; to be orphaned at a young age. Yet, I am one of the lucky ones who survived; leading a privileged life, free to travel. Because I know all this, "I cannot stand idly by" (Leviticus 19:3). It is incumbent on me to reach out to my Palestinian brothers and sisters in their time of need, to stand in solidarity with them, to let them know that they are not alone, that I am bringing them a message from people back home, that they are in their thoughts.

I am going because I am inspired by the resilience, strength, and yes, even hope, of the Palestinians, despite all odds. I am going so I can, upon my return, tell my congressional people, maybe even President Obama, and anyone else who will listen of my greater understanding, knowledge and authority about devastated Gaza and its courageous people.

For you people back home, I ask that you keep us in your thoughts, I ask that you call your congressional representatives and ask them to put pressure on the Egyptian authorities to allow us safe passage and put pressure on the Israeli government and military not to interfere. Ask your representatives to not only open their doors, but their hearts and minds, to listen to our report-backs about Gaza, still under Israel's illegal occupation and still under siege......."

Muslims Must Not Pay Price for Europe's Identity Crisis

By Ramzy Baroud
Palestine Chronicle

(Cartoon by Carlos Latuff)

"It seems that the targeting of Muslims and Islam has become a kind of national theater in France. Unlike theater, however, the disturbing trend can, and will turn ugly – in fact to a degree it already has – if the French government doesn’t get a grip on reality. The world, including France, is a complex, multifaceted and fascinatingly diverse place; it cannot be co-opted to fit national specificities determined by a group of irritable far right racists with a distorted interpretation of themselves and others......

Radicalization is an unavoidable offshoot of group alienation, which is sadly being used to further fuel the anti-immigrant fervor throughout the continent. It is a vicious cycle, the blame for which lies squarely with the savvy politicians and their obvious agendas. As for those who insist on blaming Islam for Europe’s woes, they should really find another pastime; the self-indulgent game is too hazardous and must stop."

Christians United for War

by Philip Giraldi, December 24, 2009

"As today is Christmas Eve, it might be useful for those of us who call ourselves Christians to recall the teachings of Jesus Christ regarding humility, charity, tolerance, and peacemaking. The Christian message should be particularly welcome to the American people who have borne the burden of nearly continuous warfare since 2001, resulting in the deaths of more than 5,300 Americans and hundreds of thousands of foreigners at an appalling cost to the US economy. The message is particularly appropriate for Christmas 2009 because it appears that many so-called Christian leaders are urging the United States government to take steps that will inevitably lead to a new war, this time against Iran......."

Galloway to Cairo: Open gates for Viva Palestina

Press TV

"British Lawmaker George Galloway has appealed to Cairo to allow the Viva Palestina humanitarian aid convoy he is accompanying to enter the blockaded Gaza Strip.

The call comes as activists on Viva Palestina faced problems as the convoy was making its way to the Jordanian capital, Amman.

The aid shipment, which originally departed from London on December 3 with the aim of breaking the months-long Israeli siege on Gaza, was prevented by Jordanian police from entering Amman, where it was scheduled to hold rallies.

Instead, dozens of the convoy's vehicles formed a rolling road block on the main highway to the city and shut down traffic in a move the organizers called a peaceful protest.

After an hour of grid blocked traffic, the police had to back off and promise to allow the pro-Gazan team into the capital city amid unexpected gestures of support from Jordanian drivers stuck in the traffic jam.

In Amman, the founder of Viva Palestina George Galloway thanked Jordanian authorities for finally facilitating the convoy's entry into Amman and appealed to the Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak to also open the way for Viva Palestina.....

Lifeline 3, the third international convoy headed to Gaza under the name Viva Palestina, comprises 210 trucks laden with basic food items and medical supplies

450 activists, including 30 Americans, 150 Turks and a number of Europeans are accompanying the convoy."

Al-Jazeera Video: Christmas 'under siege' in Bethlehem - 24 Dec 09

"As Christians around the world prepare to celebrate the birth of Jesus, owners of tourism shops in Bethlehem aren't seeing the booming business they'd expect this time of year.

Nour Odeh reports on how Israel's illegal occupation may be keeping the West Bank's tourism industry from thriving. "

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Unbelievable: Bil’in leader charged with arms possession (collecting tear gas canisters)!

Abdallah Abu Rahmah, a leader of the weekly nonviolent protests in Bil’in, has finally been charged after being arrested nearly two weeks ago by the Israeli military. Abu Rahmah’s arrest has been part on an ongoing Israeli campaign against Palestinian nonviolent resistance leaders. The charges against him could not be more creative. From a Popular Struggle Coordination Committee press release:
"Abdallah Abu Rahmah, a school teacher and coordinator of the Bil’in Popular Committee Against the Wall, was indicted in an Israeli military court yesterday. Abu Rahmah was slapped with an arms possession charge for collecting used tear gas canisters shot at demonstrators in Bil’in by the army and showcasing them in his home."

Here is a photo of the "arms" in question:
Spent tear gas grenades and projectiles used on the village of Bil’in for which Abu Rahmah was indicted. Photo: Oren Ziv ActiveStills

Allegations of Israeli doctors colluding in the torture of Palestinians must be investigated

Israel's doctors must allay torture fears
"Evidence has been produced by the Public Committee Against Torture in Israel (PCATI) and PHR-I of doctors examining interrogated Palestinians before, during or after torture without documenting, reporting or resisting, and by providing medical documents and information to the bodies responsible for the torturing. These are all expressly prohibited under WMA and Israel Medical Association (IMA) guidelines, as is even the presence of a doctor where there is torture."

Bethlehem's modern nativity scene – crib, wise men and separation wall

Israel's security barrier, complete with looming watchtowers, has found its way into the nativity scenes on sale to tourists
In some of these modern interpretations of the nativity the wall cuts through the centre of the scene, dividing wise men and camels from the crib. At the Holy Land Arts Museum, on Bethlehem's Manager Square, the Giacaman family sells a different version, carved carefully to scale with three slices of wall and a looming watchtower. These pieces are not cheap: the full-size version, made from olive wood and with a thick Cyprus-wood watchtower nearly 50cm tall, sells for hundreds of pounds. They are made only to order.

"It's important that people see what is really happening here," said Elias Giacaman, 27. "We could have said the scale doesn't matter, but I wanted it to be actually accurate to show the real image of the wall."
The Guardian

Palestinian Freedom Fighters: Then and Now

كتلة حماس البرلمانية تطالب بإقامة دعاوى قضائية ضد جدار مصر الفولاذي

"غزة- طالبت كتلة حماس البرلمانية في المجلس التشريعي الفلسطيني منظمة المؤتمر الإسلامي الأربعاء ومنظمات حقوق الإنسان برفع دعاوى قضائية ضد الجدار الفولاذي الذي يتردد أن مصر تبنيه في عمق الشريط الحدودي مع قطاع غزة.
وذكرت الكتلة في تقرير أقرته اللجنة القانونية خلال اجتماع لنواب حماس في غزة، أن القطاع كان ولا يزال يمثل البوابة الشمالية الآمنة والحامية لمصر، ولا مبرر لبناء هذا الجدار.

وأوصت الكتلة بضرورة تنفيذ حملاتٍ إعلامية مستمرة توضح مخاطر الجدار على حياة أهالي القطاع من كافة النواحي الاقتصادية والسياسية والأمنية والاجتماعية.

وأكد التقرير حرص الشعب الفلسطيني، عموما، وأبناء قطاع غزة، على وجه الخصوص على مصر وأمنها واستقرارها وسلامة أراضيها وأن فلسطين جزء لا يتجزأ من الأمن القومي المصري وأن أي اعتداء على الأراضي المصرية هو اعتداء على الشعب الفلسطيني أولاً وأخيراً.

Report: Obama Ordered U.S. Military Strike on Yemen

Democracy Now!
With Amy Goodman

"We take a look at Yemen, the latest target of US-backed military strikes against suspected Al Qaeda sites. ABC News reports that President Obama directly ordered two cruise missile attacks in Yemen last week. According to the New York Times, the United States gave Yemeni forces military hardware and intelligence to carry out the attack. We speak with Yemen expert, Towson University Professor Charles Schmitz......"

Real News Video: What's behind Iran's nuclear strategy?

Babak Yektafar: Iran saw that the US didn't invade Iraq until they were sure they didn't have WMD

The Israeli Military Hands Out Demolition Orders To Palestinians In The Jordan Valley

"On Tuesday, Israeli troops handed out demolition orders targeting buildings belonging to Palestinian farmers from different areas in the Jordan valley......

Due to the fact that the Jordan Valley borders the Jordan River, which is the eastern border of the West Bank, local residents fear that the ongoing takeover of the area by Israeli forces and settlers will further isolate the indigenous Palestinian population into isolated enclaves totally isolated from the rest of the West Bank and the anticipated Palestinian state."

China plays Pipelineistan

By Pepe Escobar
Asia Times

"While China is at the forefront of moves toward green energy supplies, it is leaving nothing to chance. Imported oil and gas are still crucial - and will be for a long time - to its economic growth, and Central Asia is key to Beijing's wide-ranging energy strategy.....

But for the moment, Beijing's strategic priority has been to develop an extremely meticulous energy-supply policy - with sources in Russia, the South China Sea, Central Asia, the East China Sea, the Middle East, Africa and South America.

As masterly as China may be able to play Pipelineistan, it will stride ever more confidently into a green future. "

Humanitarian, rights orgs. decry "international community's betrayal" of Gaza

Report, Amnesty International, 22 December 2009

"The international community has betrayed the people of Gaza by failing to back their words with effective action to secure the ending of the Israeli blockade which is preventing reconstruction and recovery, say a group of 16 leading humanitarian and human rights groups in a new report released today (22 December) ahead of the anniversary of the start of Israel's military offensive in Gaza (27 December-18 January).

The Israeli authorities have allowed only 41 truckloads of all construction materials into Gaza since the end of the offensive in mid-January, warn the groups, which include Amnesty International, CAFOD, Christian Aid, Medical Aid for Palestinians, Mercy Corps and Oxfam International. The task of rebuilding and repairing thousands of homes alone will require thousands of truckloads of building materials, they add......."

Download Report (pdf)

Gaza March Puts Spotlight on Civilian Suffering

(CodePink Delegation at the Rafah Crossing between Egypt and Gaza)

By Andrea Bordé

"UNITED NATIONS, Dec 22 (IPS) - More than 50,000 people are expected to take to the streets of Gaza on Dec. 31 for a mass march designed to send a message to the United States, a key supporter of Israel's army, that the situation in Gaza violates international human rights laws.

The idea behind the "Gaza Freedom March" comes from CODEPINK, a women's peace group committed to drawing attention to the humanitarian crisis in the occupied Palestinian territories, among other campaigns.

Organisers say the main catalyst for the mobilisation was the Goldstone Report, commissioned by the United Nations and written by renowned South African jurist Richard Goldstone.......

Abdeen Jabara, a member of the Steering Committee for the Gaza Freedom March, also compared the struggles of African Americans for civil rights during the 1950s to Palestinians today, emphasising the importance of non-violent, peaceful resistance.

"For centuries, black people in America suffered from segregation, but it was not violence that won full and equal rights. It was peaceful and determined insistence upon the ideals at the center of America's founding," said Jabar. "We fervently hope that this effort in some small way could break the siege, [and] will register in DC, and the other capitals of the world."........

According to statistics compiled in 2008 by the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees (UNRWA), there are 1,059,584 refugees in living in impoverished conditions in Gaza. The blockade has created a situation where often even basic supplies of medicine and food cannot pass through Israeli checkpoints.

The hope of CODEPINK is that the Gaza Freedom March will create vibrations throughout the world, and especially in the U.S., to stop these gross human rights violations from occurring and to end its aid to Israel once and for all.

"Israel has no place to hide," said Jabara. "

The Awards!

The good, the bad, and the downright ugly

by Justin Raimondo, December 23, 2009

"......Okay, back on the "positive" side of things, we have the John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt Award for Speaking Truth to Power. This goes to those writers who, in stating an obvious truth – one that has only been whispered while looking over one’s shoulder – have ignored the peril this places them in professionally, and gone ahead and published. It took real bravery to point to the elephant in the room that practically everyone wanted to avoid noticing – the Israel Lobby’s unprecedented and intolerably unhealthy grip on the making of US policy in the Middle East – and Professors Mearsheimer and Walt certainly deserve an award that is the anti-interventionist equivalent of the Congressional Medal of Honor. Their book, The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign Policy, exposed the real power behind the American throne, one that is hurting us in ways we will be experiencing for many years to come. The smear campaign that followed publication of the book was truly horrific, but the crudity of the attacks backfired: far from marginalizing the authors, the Smear Brigade only publicized a book that might have fallen between the cracks, a fate shared by many far less weighty tomes. .........."

Sartre Meets Afghanistan: Obama’s ‘No Exit’ Strategy

by Arianna Huffington, December 23, 2009

"To take some of the sting out of his decision to send an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan, President Obama laid out an exit strategy by setting a date – July 2011 – on which troops will begin withdrawing. The president, through Robert Gibbs, described the date as "locked in," "etched in stone," and having "no flexibility. Troops will start coming home in July 2011. Period."
Sounds pretty definite. But just four days later, members of Obama’s cabinet were directly contradicting their boss.......

Does that sound familiar? Not only is Obama continuing Bush’s war, he’s continuing his method of Magical Thinking: the idea that simply saying something is true is the same as its being true. We’re getting more eloquent words this time, to be sure, but the same tragic result: endless wars of choice.

Gates and Clinton now claim that July 2011 isn’t really an actual exit date. Sadly, I believe them. Obama isn’t distancing himself from "the Left" with his decision to escalate this deepening disaster. He’s distancing himself from the national interests of the country."

From 'Yes, we can' to 'No, we can't'

Great presidents make the political weather; yet Obama is hobbled by America’s recession

By Adrian Hamilton
The Independent

"If the year 2009 started with the promise of a new President coming to power in America, it is ending with the picture of just how limited is that power, not just for himself but for America as a whole.

The fractious end to the Copenhagen talks on climate change, the deepening impasse in the Middle East, the hesitant commitment of more troops to Afghanistan, the intensifying confrontation with Iran – it is hard to avoid the feeling that somehow a President who promised so much has been unable to break free of the past and that his moment is somehow now passing. The President who set out to be so different from his predecessor, George W Bush, is now being compared more and more to Bush Senior......"

Breaking Palestine's peaceful protest

Palestinians have a long history of nonviolent resistance but Israel has continuously deployed methods to destroy it

Neve Gordon, Wednesday 23 December 2009

(Left: Adeeb Abu Rahme (in grey) at a Bil'in demonstration)

"......Targeted night arrests of community leaders have become common practice across the West Bank, most notably in the village of Bil'in where, since June, 31 residents have been arrested for their involvement in the demonstrations against the wall. Among these is Adeeb Abu Rahmah, a prominent activist who has been held in detention for almost five months and is under threat of being imprisoned for up to 14 months.

Clearly, the strategy is to arrest all of the leaders and charge them with incitement, thus setting an extremely high "price tag" for organising protests against the subjugation of the Palestinian people. The objective is to put an end to the pro-peace popular resistance in the villages and to crush, once and for all, the Palestinian peace movement.

Thus, my answer to those who ask about a Palestinian "Peace Now" is that a peaceful grassroots movement has always existed. At Abdallah Abu Rahmah's trial next Tuesday one will be able to witness some of the legal methods that have consistently been deployed to destroy it."

Palestinian Pinochet: I Won't Allow 3rd Intifada as Long as I'm in Office


"23/12/2009 Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas said on Tuesday that he would not allow a third Intifada to take place on his watch, the Wall Street Journal reported. "As long as I'm in office, I will not allow anybody to start a new Intifada. Never, never," said Abbas in an interview with the newspaper.

"The evidence is that in three years it hasn't happened," he continued. "The evidence is that every day there are provocations and there hasn't been a violent response. So I have control over matters and I am confident that I can control things as long as I'm in office."......."

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Tell Egypt: Don't Block International Gaza Freedom March!


This is an important email campaign; time is of the essence! Please give the Egyptian government a piece of your mind.

I have just sent my messages -- Tony

On December 31, more than a thousand other peace advocates from around the world – plans to join tens of thousands of Palestinians in a march in Gaza to the Erez border crossing to protest the Israeli blockade and to demand international action to relieve the humanitarian crisis in Gaza. Unfortunately, it appears that the Egyptian government will not allow the internationals to enter Gaza as planned.

But this decision could be reversed with sufficient public pressure in Egypt and around the world. Would you help pressure the Egyptian government to open the border to Gaza?

Click on the title of the post to email the Egyptian Embassy
and the Palestine Division, Foreign Ministry, Cairo