Thursday, January 21, 2010

Americans are disillusioned with how government works

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is as unpopular as was Dick Cheney at the end of the Bush era

By Rupert Cornwell
The Independent

"On the face of it, few political turnarounds have been as astonishing. A mere 14 months ago, a tide of fury at George W Bush and eight failed years of Republican rule swept Barack Obama to power.

Tuesday's stunning loss of a seemingly rock-solid Senate seat in Massachusetts suggests voters' anger is now directed with equal ferocity against Mr Obama and the Democrats. In fact, one crucial element has not changed: Americans' disillusion and exasperation with the way their government works......

Where this new populism will lead is the most fascinating current question in US politics. It is similar to Poujadism in France in the 1950s in its disgust at elites (in this case Wall Street). But it is a very American movement, of little guys fed up with deficits and with a government that spends like a drunken sailor when they have to watch every cent. If it lasts, the consequences could be momentous."

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