Thursday, January 14, 2010

Arab Papers on Apology: Israel Only Understands Turkish


"14/01/2010 The Arab press did not hide its elation over Israel’s apology to Turkey over its diplomatic faux pas. The Lebanese newspaper al-Akhbar called the Turkish Prime Minister “Sultan Erdogan” in its main headline. It continued on to quip: “Israel understands only Turkish: the apology was on the same scale as the humiliation.”

“The threat was effective. The Israelis quickly got on their knees and made a move in proportionate to the humiliation they committed,” wrote the Lebanese paper. “They sent a letter of apology from Ayalon himself to President Gul after being pressured by Israeli President Shimon Peres and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The most important thing stated in the letter: ‘I apologize for the manner in which Israel behaved. I did not mean to humiliate the ambassador…’

The daily wrote that most importantly the wording of the apology was agreed upon between Netanyahu and Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman......"

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