Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Beyond chutzpah

By Khalid Amayreh in occupied Palestine

"....In recent days, three observations of Israeli behaviors attracted my attention.

First, the Ayalon affair....A Jewish supremacist, Ayalon seated the Turkish ambassador Ahmet Oguz Celikkol on a chair lower than his own chair, ostensibly to humiliate him and show him “who the master is.”....

Well, the problem with Ayalon is that he epitomizes the brutal ugliness and cruelty of the overall Israeli mindset. What is more awful is that this morbid mentality is taking over Israel, its army, politicians and general discourse. With this in mind, an Israeli journalist noted a few weeks ago that Israel in its entirety needs to seek treatment at a mental asylum.....

My second observation has to do with Israel’s highlighted efforts to help the quake-stricken Haiti overcome the post-quake disaster....However, when the real aim is to divert attention away from a huge crime, and when the supposedly charitable act is motivated more by public relations consideration and less by genuine human concerns, the first thing that comes to ones mind is the word “hypocrisy.”

Well, what Israel did to the people of Gaza is very much still fresh in everyone’s memory.....So, it is really difficult to believe that the Israeli relief efforts in Haiti are motivated by genuine human considerations. If they were, Israel would lift the suffocating siege now imposed on the people of Gaza for the third consecutive year.....

The third and final observation is really disgusting in a special way. The Israeli electronic and print media has been using photos of Palestinian orphans whose parents and relatives have been murdered by the Israeli army in advertisements designed to raise money for “poor and Jewish children.”

One photo of a crying, bedraggled and distraught-looking girl is used widely to appeal to potential donors to donate money in order to feed hungry Jewish children.

What is strange about this is that the very same picture happens to be of a Palestinian child whose father was killed in Beit Lahya in the northern Gaza Strip during the genocidal Israeli onslaught last year.

This is more than disgusting. It is comparable to Nazis using photos or images of their victims to raise money for legitimate German causes. This act, coming from a state that continues to impose a hermetic, suffocating siege on the people and relatives of the child in question is just beyond Chutzpah.

This is why, the brutal ugliness of the Israeli mentality knows no limits."

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