Monday, January 18, 2010

Chavez: US uses earthquake to occupy Haiti

Press TV

"Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has accused the United States of taking advantage of the deadly earthquake in Haiti to occupy the Caribbean country.

Chavez on Sunday scoffed at Washington's move to send thousands of American soldiers to Haiti, describing them as "Marines armed as if they were going to war."

"There is not a shortage of guns there, my God. Doctors, medicine, fuel, field hospitals, that's what the United States should send," Chavez said on his weekly television show.

"They are occupying Haiti undercover," he warned.

The Pentagon says it has deployed more than 10,000 soldiers in Haiti to help victims of Tuesday's earthquake. This comes as US paratroopers from the 82nd Airborne Division took control of the main airport in the capital Port-au-Prince on Friday.

"On top of that, you don't see them in the streets. Are they picking up bodies? ... Are they looking for the injured? You don't see them. I haven't seen them. Where are they?"[it is called stealth occupation!] Chavez went on to ask......"

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