Monday, January 18, 2010

Erdogan slams Muslim leaders’ response to suffering of Gaza people

"ANKARA, (PIC)-- Turkish premier Recep Erdogan on Sunday condemned the passive positions of Muslim leaders towards the suffering of the Palestinian people in the Gaza strip as “pathetic.”

The governments have failed to display the reactions that the world's Muslims expected from them; this has been a pitiful aspect of the matter," Erdogan told the French news agency shortly before leaving for the UAE and then on to Saudi Arabia.

He made these remarks when asked to compare the attitude of other Muslim countries to Turkey's outbursts against Israel over its devastating war on Gaza last year and its ongoing blockade of the impoverished Strip.

Turkish president Abdullah Gul and Erdogan refused to meet with Israeli war minister Ehud Barak who visited Ankara on Sunday to defuse tensions between the two sides after Israel deliberately humiliated the Turkish ambassador......."

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