Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Larijani: US, EU Allies Bolstered Israel's War on Gaza


"19/01/2010 Iran's parliament speaker said the US and its European allies provided Israel with behind-the-scenes support during its 22-day war on Gaza. "Israel carried out a very barbaric attack against the Gazans. “It took none of the international norms and regulations into account,” said Ali Larijani on Tuesday, while addressing the international seminar in Tehran "Gaza, Symbol of Resistance".

"The regime used prohibited chemical weapons, and destroyed hospitals, mosques, and civilian infrastructure. It is sad that despite all Israel's human rights violations, the US and other Western powers stood by Tel Aviv throughout the whole ordeal."


Larijani slammed the Western alliance for giving Israel all the military support it needed to launch its deadly operation on the impoverished coastal Palestinian strip. The Iranian parliament speaker said that the US blocked efforts to pass a binding resolution at the United Nations Security Council against Israel so as to stop the offensive.......

"There was no talk of human rights during those 22 days. Even though the political system had changed in the US and a new president had been elected with the motto of change.” "But it seems that they did not think it necessary to spend any time on this issue. Up to 5,000 Palestinians were killed and injured as the event unfolded, but he (Barack Obama) chose to think about picking a dog for his daughter."......"

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