Friday, January 22, 2010

Lebanon activists launch campaign targeting Egypt's "wall of shame"

Ahmed Moor, The Electronic Intifada, 21 January 2010

"The Campaign to Stop the Wall of Shame, a newly-formed activist movement based in Beirut, Lebanon, held a press conference this morning to publicize the Arab Contractors construction company's role in the building of an underground steel wall along the Egypt-Gaza border.....

The alleged role of Arab Contractors in assembling the steel wall was first reported by Al-Jazeera and Egyptian journalist Lina Attalah. Local sources identified the Egyptian company by name. According to the BBC, the wall's steel panels were engineered and manufactured in the US. Press reports also implicate French engineers in the construction of the wall......

Activists pledged to pressure Arab Contractors and by extension, the Egyptian government, for their role in the siege of Gaza. Rania Masri told The Electronic Intifada: "Arab Contractors is more vulnerable and more capable of being influenced than the Egyptian government ... But one protest, one press conference, one article will not be transformative and will not cause dramatic policy shift. Our actions must be measured to have an additive effect. This is one more step in a long journey.""

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