Saturday, January 2, 2010

Miracles Do Not Happen...Whores Do Not Become Virgins Again...Abbas Can Not and Will Not Change....

Abbas: We Will Reconsider Security Ties with Israel


"02/01/2010 Palestinian Authority chief Mahmoud Abbas said that he may rethink cooperation with Israel in the West Bank, following an Israeli air raid on December 26 that killed three Fatah men.
"Recently their provocations and incursions have increased," Abbas told Palestine Television, referring to the raid on Nablus, in which three militants from his Fatah faction died, as well as Israel's killing of three Palestinians in Gaza that day.
"We find ourselves before the point of review, of considering many of the things that we do," he said. "If the (security) coordination does not lead to a halt in the incursions and the provocations, we will think anew."

In his television interview, Abbas did not elaborate on how he might scale back security ties to Israel. His administration this week spoke of a possible diplomatic breakthrough after Israel held strategic consultations with powerbroker Egypt.[Take my word: he will be brought back to the "negotiation table." This is his role, to keep the charade going, and that is the reason he is paid and supported by USrael.]"

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