Sunday, January 3, 2010

Neturei Karta, Anti- Zionist Jewish Sect, Support Palestinians in Gaza


by Tony Sayegh

Scanning the names and nationalities of the 131 who signed the Cairo Declaration to end Israeli Apartheid, I could not help but notice that not one of those came from an Arab country; not one!

So, all this talk about "one Arab nation" and Arab nationalism notwithstanding, 300 million Arabs and a billion Muslims who pretend to be one "Umma" could not care less about 1.5 million Palestinians besieged and starved.

There were many anti-Zionist Jews in the Freedom March, but not a single Arab delegate from an Arab country! Think about it and the implications. Internationals from 42 countries around the globe care more about justice for the Palestinians than most of the 300 million sheep who call themselves Arabs.

The silence of the sheep was truly deafening. My advice to them is this. You need to learn to speak up and gradually break the fear barrier. Not for the sake of the Palestinians, but for your own sake. For until you do that and until you become citizens in the full sense of the word, you will continue to be crushed by the boots of the dictators starving Gaza today.

Rise up, the only thing you will lose are your chains!


"03/01/2010 In a solidarity stance with Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and protesting the Israeli cruelty, several members of an anti-Zionist Jewish sect, Neturei Karta, have spent the Jewish Sabbath in Gaza with the Islamic resistance group, Hamas.

This comes at a time Egyptian authorities helping Israel to tighten the grip around the besieged Strip and the 1.5 million Palestinians living there by building a steel fence to cut their last hope of connecting with the outer world through the Rafah border and after the council of leading Muslim clerics has supported its construction.

After the chairman of the International Union for Muslim Scholars Sheikh Yousuf al-Qaradawi slammed the barrier as an "unjustified crime" and as such was banned by Islam. A meeting for the Islamic Research Council of Al-Azhar University, Sunni Islam's highest seat of learning, attended by Egypt's top cleric Sheikh Mohammed Said Tantawi, who is a government appointee, concluded that "those who oppose building this wall are violating the commands of Islamic law."

Yisroel Dovid Weiss, a leader of the Neturei Karta, said Saturday that his group was in Gaza to show support for the Palestinian people.

Bearded and wearing black hats and coats, the four Neturei Karta men, American and Canadian citizens, were a rare sight in the Gaza Strip.

Members of the Neturei Karta group have expressed support for the Iranian regime and for others who oppose the Zionist entity, which they believe was established in violation of Jewish law. They made a similar visit to Gaza last year.

"It's crucial that the people of Gaza understand the terrible tragedy here is not in the name of Judaism," said one of the men, Rabbi Weiss of New York City.

Neturei Karta, Aramaic for "Guardians of the City," was founded seven decades ago in occupied Jerusalem by Jews who opposed the drive to establish Israel, believing only the Messiah could do that........"

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