Wednesday, January 6, 2010

New Revelations Tear Holes in Nuclear Trigger Story

by Gareth Porter, January 06, 2010

"New revelations about two documents leaked to the Times of London to show that Iran is working on a "nuclear trigger" mechanism have further undermined the credibility of the document the newspaper had presented as evidence of a continuing Iranian nuclear weapons program.

A columnist for the Times has acknowledged that the two-page Persian language document published by the Times last month was not a photocopy of the original document but an expurgated and retyped version of the original.....

And after reviewing documentation submitted by Iran and verifying some of its assertions by inspection on the spot, the IAEA concluded in its Feb. 22, 2008, report that Iran’s explanation for Fakhrizadeh’s role in obtaining the items had been truthful after all......"

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