Wednesday, January 6, 2010

“Obama Has Kept the Machine Set on Kill”–Journalist and Activist Allan Nairn Reviews Obama’s First Year in Office

Democracy Now!
With Amy Goodman

"In an extended interview, award-winning journalist and activist Allan Nairn looks back over the Obama administration’s foreign policy and national security decisions over the last 12 months. “I think Obama should be remembered as a great man because of the blow he struck against white racism,” Nairn says. “But, once he became president…Obama became a murderer and a terrorist because the U.S. has a machine that spans the globe that has the capacity to kill, and Obama has kept it set on kill. He could have flipped the switch and turned it off but he chose not to do so.” He continues, “In fact, as far as one can tell, Obama seems to have killed more civilians during his first year than Bush did in his first year, and maybe even than Bush killed in his final year.”...."

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