Saturday, January 23, 2010

Palestinian PM to participate in Israeli security conference

"In response to Obama’s call for “bold steps for peace,” the Fatah leadership has agreed to circumcision en masse. The Reverend Sun Myung Moon of the Unification Church will reportedly officiate. Expressing concern, Netanyahu demanded as a “confidence-building” measure that Arafat’s corpse be circumcized. The late chairman’s widow Suha Arafat objected that it was a cheap publicity stunt, but privately expressed a willingness to negotiate. Saeb Ereket couldn’t be reached for comment: his phone message stated, “The peace process is dying, the peace process is dying, the peace process is dying.” Abu Ala also could not be reached for comment. His secretary stated that he was negotatiating an important deal with Egypt regarding deliveries of “steel and cement.”.....

"Palestinian National Authority Prime Minister Salam Fayyad will participate in the Herzliya Conference early next month with Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak, organizers of the annual Israeli strategy conference said Wednesday in a potentially encouraging sign that Palestinians might be taking a step toward exploring a return to peace negotiations....."

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