Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Real News Video (with Transcript): Israel's assassination policy

TRNN interviews relatives of recently assassinated men in Nablus, Occupied Palestinian Territories.

More at The Real News

"In recent weeks Israel has escalated its practice of assassinations in the West Bank and Gaza. At the end of December, Israeli special forces broke into the Nablus homes of Anan Subih, Raed Surkaji, and Ghassan Abu Sharekh and killed them. Official Israeli sources linked the three to the killing of Israeli settler Meir Avshalom Hai who was killed while driving to the illegal outpost in which he lives. The killings are the latest in Israel's long-time practice of assassinations, illegal under international law. Many contradictory reports have surfaced over the December 26th assassinations. The Real News' Lia Tarachansky spoke to the families of two of the killed."

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