Monday, January 11, 2010

The shameless lies of Mubarak's official media

A Very Good Editorial
Palestine Information Center

"The state-run media in Egypt is shamelessly indulging in wild lies about Hamas’s efforts to break the cruel blockade being clamped on more than 1.6 million Palestinians seeking freedom and food. The largely-stupid propaganda would have us believe that Hamas is threatening Egypt, causing the blockade of Gaza to persist, working with Iran to destabilize Egyptian security, and so on and so forth.

Well, this is the classical way tyrannical regimes behave when they face bankruptcy in terms of their relations with their masses. People simply stop believing the lies of the regimes as is the case now all over the Arab world.

In fact, however, the main reason behind the Egyptian media attacks on Hamas is because the Palestinian Islamic movement is refusing rather stubbornly to surrender to Israel and the U.S. as Egypt had done more than three decades ago when the Egyptian leadership accepted an arrangement barring the Egyptian armed forces from accessing the bulk of the Sinai peninsula.

Another reason has to do with Hamas exposing the naked Egyptian collaboration and collusion with the cancerous Zionist entity against the forces of resistance and freedom in the Arab world......

With this in mind, it seems that the autocratic Egyptian regime is sensing a different threat coming from the small coastal enclave called Gaza. It is terrified by the prospects of its 80-million masses contracting the disease of freedom from across the border. That is the real reason behind this outburst of rabid propaganda against Hamas, a freedom movement that has given the word dignity a new meaning.

As we all know, the Egyptian regime worships itself and is planning to stay in power until its natural, e.g. biological end. This is the regime’s ultimate goal and strategy. This is why the entire country and its means, resources, and potentials are being utilized to sustain the regime for as long as possible.

Some say that Egypt has never witnessed a regime so despotic and so morally bankrupt since the era of the Pharaohs.

Of course, the Egyptian media are nothing more than mouthpieces for Mubarak, the American-Israeli puppet tyrant who has morphed Egypt from a decent, civilized country into a mere fiefdom for himself and his family. They are Mubarak’s barking dogs, with no freedom or independence of their own to think for themselves.........

A brief look at the situation in Egypt today reveals a dilapidated country resembling a hapless police state where the state is even unable to provide sufficient food, especially bread, for its citizens. It is a state where every sector is collapsing, including industry and agriculture, all because serving Egypt is actually not on the agenda of the regime whose main, if not only, strategy is remaining in power.

We all remember that this regime has been collaborating with Israel against the people of Gaza. Well, didn’t the former Israeli Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni declare the war on Gaza in December, 2008, during a press conference with her Egyptian counterpart Abu al Gheit?

Moreover, Hasn’t Egypt been trying to perfect and complete the Israeli siege of Gaza by preventing the people of Gaza from accessing food and other vital consumer products on the Egyptian side of the borders?

This treasonous policy, which is now manifesting its brutal ugliness once again by building this shameful steel wall, with American and French aid and presumably with behind-the-scene Israeli supervision, constitutes a national blasphemy, to say the very least.

And now the disgraced regime is instructing its parroting media, even its hypocritical Sheikhs, to vilify Hamas, as if Hamas were responsible for all the ills of Egypt and sins of the bankrupt Mubarak regime. Well for what? For defending the Arab and Muslim honor and refusing to surrender to Jewish murderers and terrorists? For standing up to the Israeli army while a neighboring Arab-Muslim country with 80 million people and a strong army looking on as if all the massacre were happening on a different planet?

Or perhaps for having the guts to win the elections in occupied Palestine in 2006 which the Egyptian regime viewed as constituting a looming danger that could awaken the dormant Egyptian masses and make them rise up against the tyrannical regime which torments and impoverishes Egypt on Israel’s behalf and in order to serve the interests of the United States?

I don’t know what is the ultimate price that the Egyptian and Palestinian peoples have to pay so that Mubarak and his cohorts remain in power? The obscenely ugly equation is very simple. In order for Mubarak and his son Jamal to stay in power, he has to have a permanent certificate of good conduct from Israel and the U.S. But Mubarak can’t obtain such a certificate, saturated with disgrace and perfidy, without pacifying and repressing the Egyptian masses and killing and starving the Palestinians across the borders.

And since Mubarak lacks the national credentials of a dignified Arab or Muslim leader, he sees nothing wrong in shamefully submitting to the Israeli-American conditions for obtaining the certificate of “good” conduct. Hence, the shameless surrender and disgraceful capitulation to Israel.......

Well, but who colluded with Israel against the Gazans in the first place? Who conspired with Israel to shut off Gaza from the West while Israel does the same from the east? Let the Egyptian regime look itself in the mirror to see its ugliness........

In truth, the Egyptian regime, or any other tyrannical Arab regime, is in no moral position to attack or lecture Hamas, a movement which is unlike these regimes has earned its survival by refusing to give in, even in the face of the imminent danger of death."

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