Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Spy links with CIA suicide bomber are problem for Jordan

Kingdom's intelligence service was 'running' al-Qaida triple agent who killed seven CIA officers and his own handler

Ian Black, Middle East editor, Wednesday 6 January 2010

"Jordan is showing signs of deep embarrassment at revelations about the role of its intelligence service in "running" the al-Qaida triple agent who killed seven CIA officers and his own handler in a suicide bombing in Afghanistan last week.

Last weekend, King Abdullah and his wife Rania attended the funeral of Captain Ali bin Zeid, the case officer for the Jordanian jihadi who blew himself up and triggered a huge row about the failures of US espionage operations.

But officials in Amman and the state-controlled media have refused to confirm details of the case as reported in the US media and by al-Jazeera....

CIA officers are stationed inside the Mukhabarat's Amman HQ. The discreet relations between the CIA and Jordan are familiar to intelligence aficionados but were not widely known – until now. "The CIA connection … has now been put out in the public sphere for all to see – especially the Arab street,"....."

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