Tuesday, January 19, 2010


A Very Surprising And Shocking Piece
By Eric Margolis (Imperialist light?)

".....Haiti has become the Somalia of our hemisphere.

Few nations I know have suffered such misfortune as poor, wretched Haiti. Blessed with fecundity by nature, Haiti went in less than one century from being the richest nation in the western hemisphere to the poorest.....

Haiti really needs is to be again temporarily administered by a great power like the US or France. The UN should declare Haiti a protectorate of one or more of the great powers.

This column despises all forms of imperialism. But genuine humanitarian intervention is different. US administration of Haiti may be necessary and the only recourse for this benighted nation that cannot seem to govern itself.

A small, mostly Brazilian UN contingent has achieved little. Most Haitians, I think, would welcome long-term US humanitarian administration. France also has a special responsibility to Haiti.

This writer, a former soldier, prefers to see the US military saving rather than taking lives. Watching the US 82nd Airborne Division arrive in Port-au-Prince filled me with pride. That is what America is about, not bombing Afghanistan, Iraq, Yemen, Pakistan and Somalia......"

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