Monday, January 18, 2010

US accused of annexing airport as squabbling hinders aid effort in Haiti

Priority landing for Americans forces flights carrying emergency supplies to divert to Dominican Republic

Rory Carroll, Latin America correspondent, and Daniel Nasaw in Washington, Sunday 17 January 2010

"The US military's takeover of emergency operations in Haiti has triggered a diplomatic row with countries and aid agencies furious at having flights redirected.

Brazil and France lodged an official ­protest with Washington after US military aircraft were given priority at Port-au-Prince's congested airport, forcing many non-US flights to divert to the Dominican Republic.

Brasilia warned it would not ­relinquish command of UN forces in Haiti, and Paris complained the airport had become a US "annexe", exposing a brewing power struggle amid the global relief effort. The Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières also complained about diverted flights...."

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